Roy Williams Foundation Meeting Minutes, Meeting Six
Date of Meeting 2/16/2020 @ 2:00 pm MST
Type of meeting: Conference Call
Roll Call:
Chairman: Zach Crevier- Present
Vice Chairman: David Newton- Present
Board Members:
Zach Krause-absent
Matt White- absent
Kit Steimle-present
Alhaji Bangura-Present
Haley Steimle-Present
Cody Collyer-Present
Bret Collyer-Present
Additions, Deletions or Changes to the Agenda?
Adoption of meeting minutes, meeting two,12/15/19
Unknown (inaudible) made a motion to adopt the meeting minutes as written, seconded by Vice Chair Newton. Minutes were unanimously adopted.
Old Business:
501 (c)(3), nonprofit paperwork update: Secretary/Treasurer Collyer reported that he has finished the larger packet of the application paperwork and that he and Haley Steimle would be working together soon to create and gather the required supporting documents. He apologized for the delays associated with the process and commented on the complexities involved.
Implementation/Integration of Ideas from meeting 5: Secretary Collyer stated that the ideas generated during meeting five would be added to the vision and mission statements and integrated into to documents.
Crisis Intervention Materials Procurement: Chairman Crevier indicated that he was looking into signing up for a three-day course in crisis intervention, known as a military “ACC Program”. He will attend and check into accredation aspects to determine what he needs to do in order to train other members of the organization as well as interested volunteers and members of the public. Alternate Bangura expressed concern about the potential liabilities associated with Crisis Intervention activities. A general discussion was had as to how military culture and Crisis Intervention training can “mesh” with the civilian world, all agreed that this would be an ongoing discussion and concern as we move forward.
New Business:
Consideration of appointing Haley Steimle to Assistant Secretary: Secretary Collyer mentioned that Haley has already proven to be a great asset and dedicated volunteer member for the organization and at times, he could really use some help with his responsibilities. The situation will eventually arise that he is unavailable for a meeting and Haley would be able to fully assume his duties. Chairman Crevier expressed his appreciation to Haley for her help, which was also expressed by the other members. Haley said she is excited and honored to be part of the organization. Chairman Crevier made a motion, seconded by alternate Bangura, the vote was unanimous, with Member Kit (Steimle) abstaining due to relation (Father) to Haley Steimle.
RWF Website Development Discussion: Secretary Collyer introduced his son, Cody Collyer who has begun developing the official RWF Website: Secretary Collyer mentioned that there was another “Roy Williams Foundation”, apparently based in Canada, geared towards basketball scholarships for inner city youth. The other Foundation has apparently not retained it’s non-profit status and it was unclear whether or not they were still viable; he called the Canadian based organization and the answering machine recording was speaking French. He did not think that our organization would be in any sort of competition with the existing, Canadian based organization. Chairman Crevier led the discussion about what members would like to see on our website, which will be a work in progress for some time. Members suggested adding the following elements: Crisis Hotline phone numbers, links to Crisis Intervention materials and publications, an eventual ‘donate now’ button once the non-profit status is achieved, links to other Veterans organizations, pictures of members and service-related stories. Vice Secretary Steimle indicated that she would like to help Cody Collyer with website development and management, Cody expressed his appreciation for the help. All members expressed their appreciation to Cody for his work on the website.
Financial Update: Chairman Crevier told members that the fund balance remained at $3,749.15 and would likely remain there until non-profit status is achieved.
Other Business: No other business was discussed at the meeting.
Next Meeting Sunday, March 1st at 2:00 pm MST
Meeting Adjourned 2:36 pm.