Amber C. Holmes
The Roy Williams Foundation
Assistant Secretary/Social Media Manager
My name is Amber C Holmes, I grew up in Pueblo, CO. then moved to Salida, CO. in 1994 and
fell in love with it so much that I decided to stay. I’m a single mom of three wonderful kids. I’ve
been a Customer Service Representative for over 20 years where I’ve worked in the medical,
financial and educational fields. Along with this, I am also a Certified Health Coach. I work
closely with people all over the world via the internet and platforms such as Facebook and
Instagram to meet their health and fitness goals. I’m currently studying photography and
working toward becoming a Certified Master Personal Trainer through the American Council on
Due to my extensive office and organizational skills, I feel like I could be an asset to the RW
Foundation as the Assistant Secretary. I also strongly believe that with my background in
working with clients via social media platforms, I would be a great asset in helping with the
RWF social media platforms.
I’m excited to be considered for a position working with the Roy Williams Foundation. This is
such an amazing cause which is offering help to those that need it most; at the time they need
it most and it’s incredible, who wouldn’t want to be a part of that? The light this foundation is
shedding on a very dark shadow is truly magical and I’m humbled to hopefully be a part of it. I
look forward to bringing my knowledge of nutrition and strength training along with my
organizational and office skills to this wonderful foundation. I strongly believe that you can help
heal the body and mind through proper exercise and nutrition. I have been a long-time sufferer
of PTSD and Anxiety and found at a young age that diet and exercise can help to cope with and
manage flare ups. I look forward to sharing this knowledge on the social media pages.
Thank you for your consideration.
Amber Holmes