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Roy Williams Foundation Meeting Minutes, Meeting 8                                                    

First Zoom, live Internet Meeting                                          


Date of Meeting 5/03/2020 @ 2:00 pm MST                                                                                                      

Type of meeting: Live, Internet, Zoom


Roll Call:


Chairman: Zach Crevier- Present                                                                                                                                 

Vice Chairman: David Newton- Present                                                                                                                      


Board Members:                                                                                                                                                      

Zach Krause-Present                                                                                                                                                   

Alhaji Bangura-Present                                                                                                  

Kit Steimle-Present                                                                                                                                          



Matt White-Present                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      


Bret Collyer-Present                                                                                                                                                     


Assistant Secretary:                                                                                                                                                     

Haley Steimle-Absent


Additions, Deletions or Changes to the Agenda? -None                                                                               

Chairman Crevier mentioned that today, May 3rd, 2020 would have been Roy Williams's 29th Birthday. A moment of reflection was had by the group as he was a very young man.                                                                                 


Adoption of meeting minutes, meeting two,12/15/19                                                                                  

Chairman Crevier made a motion to adopt the meeting minutes as written, seconded by Board member Steimle. Minutes were unanimously adopted.


Old Business:                                                                                                                                                                 

Discuss 501(c)(3) Paperwork:  Chairman Crevier asked the Members if they had all received and reviewed the Non-Profit application Paperwork that was mailed to them by Secretary Collyer. All members indicated that they had, with the exception of Alternate White, who would get his copy from Vice-Chair Newton. Secretary Collyer then informed the Members that he had completed the paperwork in pencil, to be able to erase mistakes and re-enter the information or data as he progressed. After completion, he handed the paperwork to Assistant Secretary Steimle to produce a final, clean version for submittal to the IRS. While on the IRS website, Steimle discovered that the IRS was no longer accepting paper applications, and all business needed to be accomplished digitally. Members appreciated the efforts and a brief discussion regarding the paperwork was had.


New Business:                                                                                                                                                              

Adopt By-Laws: Chairman Crevier asked members if they had any questions concerning the By-Laws. There were no questions and it was noted that we had been operating under these by-laws since the beginning. And we now all had physical copies of these by-laws for reference. Chairman Crevier made a motion to approve, Vice-Chairman Newton seconded. Motion Passed Unanimously.                                              

Adopt Conflict of Interest Policy:  A Brief discussion about the policy was had, with Secretary Collyer explaining that, it was necessary to ensure that we don’t enrich each other, close acquaintences or family members etc. with monies from, or generated by the RWF. All agreed that was reasonable. Motion to approve by Crevier, seconded by Bangura; motion passed unanimously.


Establish a “Selection Committee” to vet and select volunteers/candidates willing to attend Crisis Intervention Training, or higher mental health education based on the draft application form: Secretary Collyer explained the need for this committee to review applicants that would like to help the RWF fulfill its mission of adding more qualified Crisis Intervention/Mental Health trained Volunteers to society. After applicants are approved by this committee, they will be sent on to the full Board for approval before RWF funds are spent on their education. Chairman Crevier, Vice Chairman Newton, Secretary Collyer And Board member Krause volunteered to serve on the committee.


Discuss Draft Application Form:                                                                                                                         

Chairman Crevier asked all members to take a close look at the form, and mentioned its importance to the Mission of the RWF. Secretary Collyer advised the members that he made a sincere effort to draft a reasonable application form. He reminded members that he was the only member of the RWF (other than Vice Secretary Steimle) that has never served in the armed forces. He would therefore rely on the experience of the members to refine the first draft of the form to better reflect the realities of those who have struggled with PTSD. Member Bangura expressed concern that the process would have to be thorough enough to ensure that only people with a sound mind would receive funding from the RWF foundation. Bangura then led a discussion about the need for tougher screening (i.e. verify combat experience and possibly background checks) due to liability purposes and the fact that we wouldn’t want to see anybody get hurt by allowing unstable people to slip through the process. All members agreed with Bangura and Secretary Collyer asked if he would like to be part of the “Selection Committee”. Bangura stated that he would, all agreed and Member Bangura will be an active member of the Selection Committee.


Adopt Amendments to Bylaws; known as 1(a), 1(b), 2(a) and 2 (b):                                                                   

Secretary Collyer apologized to members for not having this matter under the “Adopt Bylaws” section of the agenda so as to better stay on topic and avoid confusion. He then explained each item, by number to explain the Amendments. 1(a) codifies when and how an alternate member is allowed to vote on an issue during a meeting in the event that a regular board member is absent. 1(b) codifies how a Board member or Alternate can be excused from the Board for unexplained non-attendances after four consecutive meetings. 2(a) establishes the Finance Committee, which was actually created during the fourth meeting on January 19, 2020. 2(b) establishes a Selection Committee, which was organized and established during this meeting.


Motion to approve submission of 501 (c)(3) application electronically to the IRS:                                     

Chairman Crevier made a motion to submit, followed by a second by Board member Steimle.               

Motion passed unanimously.


Other Business: None


Next Meeting: March 17th


Meeting Adjourned 2:40 pm.  

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