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The Roy Williams Foundation Meeting Minutes, Meeting 59

Date of Meeting: Meeting 59 08/03/2024 1700 MST


Roll Call:

Chairman: Vacant
Vice Chairwoman: Hailey Fuller: Interim Chairwoman- Present

Treasurer: Robin Olson- Present

Secretary: Bret Collyer- Present

Assistant Secretary/Social Media Manager: Amber Holmes- Present

Board Members/Directors:
Dexter Pitts- Absent/working
Markus Hugle- Present
Samuel Vena- Present

Leisl Hammond- Present

One Vacancy

Alternate Directors:
Three vacancies



Call to Order:

Additions, deletions or changes to the agenda?: None


Adoption of Meeting Minutes, Meeting #58: (Action Item): Olson made a motion to adopt the
meeting minutes as written, seconded by Vena. The vote to adopt the minutes was unanimous.


Old and continuing Business:

1) Report on Heroes Banquet: Hugle reported that the banquet was nice. He said it was a beautiful venue
and the food was good. Vena added that the client that came along with his service dog definitely
benefitted from the event and that they were the successful bidder on a voucher for a one-night stay
at Triple Crown Casino, with dinner for two. This item will be gifted to a future client who needs to get
away for a bit. Hugle also reported that he gave the organizers of the event the check Robin wrote as a
$500 donation. Fuller thanked them for attending and reporting on the event and asked the group if
we had any ideas for next years event. We agreed to revisit the discussion when the organizer contacts
us with the itinerary for next years event.


2) Recruiting new members: Fuller asked the board if they had any good candidates in mind who might
be willing to serve as members. Hugle responded that the Client that rode to the Banquet with he and
Vena might make a good candidate. Vena agreed and they spoke of his service and qualifications and
commented on his service dog that accompanied them all. Hugle agreed to reach out to the individual
to gage his interest. Olson inquired as to the process that we use to bring on new members and
whether it should be changed. Note: The process currently consists of a referral from a current
member or a director after the subject verbally indicates that they are interested in helping us. Second,
the individual types and submits a Letter of Interest, listing their history, qualifications, skills and their
reasons for wanting to help. Next, the individual attends one of our regular meetings, where they are
interviewed by the directors and if they seem like they would be a good fit, they are invited to join and
if the candidate is still interested, a formal motion to appoint the candidate to the Board of directors
(or Alternate etc). If the vote is decisive, the individual is then appointed to a seat. Vena suggested that
we keep the process the same and no further discussion on the topic was had, but it can be revisited at
any time.


3) Website Updates: The discussion then turned to the website. Collyer informed the members that Cody
has just finished moving and is settling into his new home and home office. As soon as we provide him
with a list of updates we would like to see, he will get to work on them. Collyer noted that the flier for
the bowling fundraiser event is still prominent on the website and it should be updated with
information about our next event. Collyer mentioned that the flier that was used for the bowling event
could be a good starting point for a new informational flier. Vena then asked if Cody could work on the
logo to see how large it can be without pixelation problems? Collyer said he will and that Vena should
too “So he is getting it from both sides.” Fuller and Olson said they would work together to create a
new flier to be passed out at our next event.


New Business:

1) Select new Chair-Vice Chair: Fuller asked if any current members had the interest or the time to serve
as Chairperson. Because nobody expressed an interest, Fuller stated that she would continue to serve
as interim Chairwoman. The discussion then centered on the need to recruit new members to expand
our talent-pool to have more qualified people to choose from.


2) Re-constitute executive committee: Fuller suggested that we continue to include all members in the
executive committee. All members agreed.


3) Veteran’s and First Responders suicide prevention walk in September, date TBD: Fuller invited
Hammond to speak about the idea for a new event. Hammond began by stating that September is
“Veterans Suicide Prevention Month” and one of her colleagues suggested that we work on organizing
a “Veterans suicide prevention walk.” The discussion that followed included the need to recruit others
to join us (VFW, Marine Corps League, American Legion, Veteran’s Expeditions, and others). As well as
making signage to carry and pamphlets to pass out, which Fuller and Olson agreed to work on
together. The discussion then turned to possible dates to have the walk, hunting season and hay
harvesting seasons were discussed, so it was decided that Saturday September 7 th between 10 am and
noon to avoid the hottest part of the day. A route was discussed, to include parts of downtown Salida.


After looking at her Calendar, Olson noted that on the weekend of the 7 th , downtown Salida will be
hosting a “Fiber Guild event”. She followed by saying that there will likely be no parking available in
downtown. Collyer suggested that a permit might be needed and suggested that Hammond inquire
about a permit since she works in the same building, Hammond agreed as well as reaching out to the
service organizations she works with everyday. Fuller stated that she will Call Nick (Veterans
Expeditions). Collyer stated that he would begin reaching out to the radio stations and newspaper to
line-up advertising once we get the particulars in order.


4) Next Steps:

Summary of obligations:

1)Hugle will reach out to Marion to see if he would like to join the RWF BOD.

2)Vena and Collyer will work with Cody to produce a logo that doesn’t pixelate when enlarged. Note:
Holmes created the logo and can help as well.


3)Fuller and Olson agreed to work on the signage and pamphlets to hand out at the event.

4)Hammond will inquire about the need for a permit as well as contacting the service organizations about


5)Fuller has agreed to reach out to Nick Watson (Veteran’s Expeditions) to see if they would like to


6)Collyer has agreed to reach out to the radio stations and newspapers to line up advertising for the event

7)Collyer agreed to talk to Jason Benci about a future Comedy show fundraiser.


Treasurer Report (Action Item) – Robin Olson: Olson reported that 3 checks were issued as approved
to assist a client that was experiencing hard times and that all checks have cleared the bank. She added that
the scholarship checks were all cashed and also cleared the bank. She continued that “We are doing a very
good job with our money, especially as it tracks with our budget as the first few quarters of the year have
been very steady.” Vena asked “What was the final amount raised from our bowling fundraiser?” Olson
replied that we made $2443.00 during the event.” Olson reported that we currently had $5996.25 in our
checking account and $8826.26 in our savings account, for a combined balance of $14,622.51 of monetary


Anything Else/General Discussion: (for the good of the Foundation): Fuller spoke about the need to
begin planning our next fundraising event. Collyer suggested turning our walk into a fundraising event, such as
sponsoring our walk. This suggestion led Olson to point out that “That would definitely require a need for a
permit from the city.” Fuller pressed the idea about a comedy show fundraiser and asked Collyer to follow up
with Jason Benci about planning such an event. Collyer agreed. The handout flier/pamphlet discussion was
revisited to include the inclusion of our website.


Our ZOOM account just automatically renewed, it auto charged Bret’s credit card for $168.94, so we are paid
up until August 2, 2025.


Next Meeting: TBD, but tentatively set as Sept 7th , after our walk

Meeting Adjourned: 1341

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