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The Roy Williams Foundation Meeting Minutes, Meeting 58

Date of Meeting: Meeting 58 06/29/2024 1700 MST


Roll Call:

Chairman: Tom McConaghy- Resignation Pending
Vice Chairwoman: Hailey Fuller: Interim Chairwoman- Present

Treasurer: Robin Olson- Absent, provided update


Secretary: Bret Collyer- Present

Assistant Secretary/Social Media Manager: Amber Holmes- Present

Board Members/Directors:
Dexter Pitts- Absent/working
Markus Hugle- Present
Samuel Vena- Present

Leisl Hammond- Travelling

One Vacancy

Alternate Directors:
Three vacancies



Call to Order: 1715

Additions, deletions or changes to the agenda?: Collyer suggested that we may consider appointing
a new Chairperson today. Someone? suggested we work on creating a pocket guide for quick reference


Adoption of Meeting Minutes, Meeting #56: (Action Item): Hugle made a motion to accept as
written, seconded by Vena. The vote to adopt was unanimous


Old and continuing Business:
1) Follow up on bowling fundraiser, what went wrong, what went right? Fuller read Olson’s narrative,
which included “Strengths: Great venue and no charge for venue. The Holland family was great to work
with.” “Weakness: There was not enough publicity, no follow through with radio announcements or
newspaper advertising.” “Also we needed more set up time and coordination”. Everyone agreed with
that sentiment. Fuller apologized for not being present and added that there is a lot of benefit to living
local as it is easier to attend and help. Vena added that having more materials about what we do and
our mission would be helpful. Holmes noted that “It would be nice to have a venue to ourselves
instead of having to share it with the public. We would have more time to set things up and it wouldn’t

be so chaotic.” All agreed that it was a good event, well received by the public and we learned a lot.
Further, it was nice to meet grant winners and their families in person and hand them checks.


2) Heroes Banquet, Saturday July 13, 2024, 10 tickets purchased Menu items Barbeque buffet. New
location: Marchand Ranch: 4807 Co. Hwy 9, Canyon City, Co. 81212. Attire Business Casual, no high
heels (Ranch Environment).
Collyer informed the board about what to expect at the banquet based on
his conversations with the organizer. He reminded the board that when we originally purchased the
tickets, the event was to be held at the Abby Event Center in Canyon City. But that venue closed and
that this venue looks nice and is actually closer to us. He added that carpooling again is an option and
offered his vehicle. Fuller asked if we budgeted anything for the event? Collyer responded, ‘Yes,
$500.00 for items that would be useful for our clients’. Hugle spoke about items that were acquired
last year for our personal use, using our own money, we got outbid on items for the clients, so we just
wrote the $500.00 check to the Heroes’ Banquet as a donation before we left.’ It was decided to
approach it the same this year. Carpooling to the event will be organized.


New Business:
1) Accept resignation of Tom McConaghy as Chairman and Nominations and vote for new Chairperson:
Vena made a motion to accept his resignation and Hugle seconded. The vote to accept was unanimous
with all members expressing gratitude to Tom for his help and leadership in driving our mission
forward. He will always be welcome at our events and meetings. It was decided to table the discussion
regarding election of a new Chairperson until we have more members present and possibly new
members to choose from. Fuller stated that she was happy to continue service as interim Chairwoman
for as long as needed. Collyer made a motion to table the item, seconded by Hugle and the vote was
unanimous; the item was tabled.


2) Reconstitute Executive Committee: Since we have no current Chairperson, it was decided that
everyone is on the Executive Committee and receive the same communications.


3) Next Steps: All agreed that creating a pocket guide for our efforts and resources should be undertaken,
discussion will continue. Hugle suggested that speak with Hammond about her interest in serving as
Chairperson, due to her qualifications and work with Veterans. He added that she may also know a few people
that might like to help us out.


Treasurer Report (Action Item) – Robin Olson: Fuller read the highlights of Olson’s report as follows:
“We started the year with $16,809.12 and we currently have $14,626.04 between the two accounts. There is
$25 sitting in the “Give Butter account (used at the bowling fundraiser). Bret said that there is $725.92 coming
from the other fundraising site (Better World Foundation) and $100.00 check from Hammond. That brings the
total cash assets to $15,476.96”. Hugle made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report, which was seconded
by Vena. The vote to accept was unanimous.


Anything Else/General Discussion: (for the good of the Foundation)
Holmes reported that she is still in touch with the client referred to us recently seeking help and shared with
us his concerns about the 988 hotline. A discussion followed regarding how we may better help the individual.
Fuller asked Holmes about social media and specifically about the “Director’s Spotlight” effort. Holmes replied
that she is still working on Olson’s and that Vena is next with Collyer to follow. She reported that she created a
“Heart of the foundation” post about Roy and asked if we could do it again. Collyer asked “How can we help?”
Holmes replied she needed “More information about Roy would help.” Fuller replied that Holmes should call
her and they can work together. Vena asked the group if they have a quality PDF of the logo that doesn’t
pixelate when enlarged? Holmes said that she could send him the original. A discussion was had about the
best day and time for our regular meetings. All agreed to communicate on the day and time for the next
meeting which was set for July 6th at 1300.


Next Meeting: July 6th (Note: Fuller got called for hurricane relief so the meeting was postponed)

Meeting Adjourned: Call dropped at 1810

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