The Roy Williams Foundation Meeting Minutes, Meeting 56
Date of Meeting: Meeting 56 04/13/2024 1300 MST
Roll Call:
Chairman: Tom McConaghy- Present
Vice Chairwoman: Hailey Fuller- Present
Treasurer: Robin Olson- Absent
Secretary: Bret Collyer- Present
Assistant Secretary/Social Media Manager: Amber Holmes- Absent
Board Members/Directors:
Dexter Pitts- Absent/working
Markus Hugle- Absent
Samuel Vena- Absent
Two Vacancies
Alternate Directors:
Three vacancies
Leisl Hammond, VSO
Call to Order: (No Quorum/Work Session)
Additions, deletions or changes to the agenda?: Tabled until next meeting with a quorum
Adoption of Meeting Minutes, Meeting #55: (Action Item):
Tabled until next meeting with a quorum
Old and continuing Business:
1. Armed Forces Day Event (May 18 th , 2024)
a.) Venue – Split Happens Bowling Alley
b.) Schedule of events – 3:00PM – 6:00PM Raffle Tickets, Bowling, Organization Introduction, Bowling,
Bowling, Scholarship Presentations, Silent Auction at end, End at 6:00PM
c.) Advertising- (Robin and Tom) by 4-13-24
d.) Printed Materials / Promotion (Tom and Robin) by 4-13-24
e.) All Board members – solicit items for live auction.
McConaghy began the discussion about how our fundraising event should be conducted. With
registration beginning at 3:00 with us distributing raffle tickets and introducing ourselves to attendees.
McConaghy stressed that in case the venue is crowded, we need to constantly sell tickets to ensure
that everyone who wants to buy some has the chance. He then spoke about our previous scholarship
winner (Rowynn) will write an essay describing her accomplishments thus far in her education, instead
of re-applying to receive a scholarship booster payment. McConaghy and Olson are putting together a
hand-out sheet for the event describing who we are and what we are trying to do for our Veterans and
First Responders.
2. Donation to family who lost house - $2000 - Julia Richardson Report back from Robin: McConaughy
reported that Olson indicated that the Richardson family was extremely grateful for our help, noting
that the amount covered one month’s rent for the family; giving them some “breathing room.”
3. Report back on Vet Ex fundraiser – what did we like, what did we think we should do different:
McConaghy reported that the event was very well organized, was well attended and entertaining.
Noting that the Moonlight pizza was good and was $5/slice and Elevation Beer for sale and that they
had a lot of different revenue streams. The films were about Veterans on amazing fishing trips all over
the world and showcased their experiences and the potential for healing that exists in the outdoors. He
continued that “All the board members were walking around and introducing themselves.” Which was a
nice touch. He noted that they had a wide variety of items for sale in the auction, both high-end and
low-end, so there was something for everybody. McConaghy continued that Nick Watson
(founder/chairman for Vet-exp) wants to connect us with some of his bigger contributors/donors so we
may get the opportunity to work together with them to make a bigger difference.
Secretary Collyer’s Computer crashed at this point in the meeting and he rejoined via phone (voice only)
Fuller suggested that we should create a spreadsheet so we don’t accidently contact the same people or
businesses multiple times and become annoying. All agreed that was a good idea and McConaghy stated that he
would create a sheet and also one to track donated items. He also stated that he is informing local first
responding agencies about our event plans. The discussion continued about the need to promote the event on
our social media platforms.
4. Conflict of Interest Forms (signed and returned) – Dexter, Amber: Collyer reported that Pitts was still
needing to complete his COI and added that he has been having tech issues.
5. Community Garden – Poncha – Report back: Collyer reported that the community garden was started in 2011
by a group of intrepid volunteers and has come a long way since then. The vacant lot used to have a 2-story
library until it burned down during one of Poncha’s big fires during the late 1800’s. He noted that the land was
originally owned by the “Colorado State Land Board” for educational purposes and the garden serves the original
intent. Everything currently on the property is the result of grants, donations, and donated labor. He added that
the raised beds that were built last year for the elderly, infirmed and veterans will now be able to access the
garden by the handicap parking entrance and new gates that the RWF donation will help pay for. He encouraged
RWF members to drive by to go see the garden for themselves. He thanked the RWF for their donation.
6. Review votes on items outside the regular Board meetings: McConaghy spoke about the need to update the
bylaws to allow consensus voting, outside of regular board meetings in a way will allow progress in our mission
goals. Collyer replied that during our last bylaw update in 2021 we included a provision on “Consensus Voting”
covering such action. He noted that consensus voting may not be used to spend money or change the bylaws as
these actions should be art of a regular meeting process. Note: The verbiage is as follows: Section 8. Informal
Action. Any action required to be taken at a meeting of directors, or any action which may be taken at a meeting
of directors or of a committee of directors, to include alternates may be taken without a meeting if a consent in
writing setting forth the action so taken, is signed by all of the directors or all of the members of the committee
of directors, as the case may be. Any informal action not involving a change to the bylaws or the distribution of
monetary assets may be accomplished by direction given to an officer or director (delegate) by means of a verbal
‘consensus’ reached by a majority of members and communicated by mail, email or text message viewed by all
members of the board of directors and officers of the RWF shall constitute official direction for the delegate to
perform the task as instructed. This provision, however is intended to be used minimally. (end)
McConaghy then spoke about his desire to have us plan retreats at different locations. He suggested
planning one at the El-Pomar foundation building or the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs and noted that
we have $5k set aside in our budget for a retreat. He spoke about the potential value of a retreat for
our organization, where we are all face-to-face with no distractions so we can really focus on our
mission. All agreed with the value of a retreat and McConaghy added that he would get more
information from the venues to share during the next meeting.
New Business:
1. Resource Fair in June or July – Leisl Hammond, VSO: Hammond stated that she ‘Doesn’t have a date
yet’ because she is waiting for the VA to reschedule the event due to the last snowstorm led to the
cancellation of the event. She added that the next event will be held at the Buena Vista Community
Center as the event alternates between the two venues so everyone has the chance to attend.
McConaghy asked Hammond if she would like to become a Board member (Director) for the RWF?
Hammond enthusiastically replied “YES!” McConaghy suggested that Hammond work with Collyer to
begin the application process.
2. Friends / Members of RWF – Introduce the idea and discuss: McConaghy began explaining his desire to
create a “Friends of the RWF” movement to facilitate the RWF organization and bring more voices and
perspectives to help move us forward. They would provide input and communicate with Directors, but
not be voting members. Fuller noted that these types of support organizations are pretty common and
will be a good addition to our team. McConaghy ended the discussion by stating that he would include
this item and the idea for the retreat for our next meeting.
Treasurer Report (Action Item) – Robin Olson (Absent): McConaghy reported that we have $15,063.13
between both of our accounts. He explained the $500 expense that related to replacing the water heater for the elderly
veteran, which led to the discussion of clarifying “Consensus voting” as the issue was decided via a text thread.
McConaghy went over the current budget to include “Where we are” and “What we are spending money on”. The
discussion included the desire to spend money on buying shirts and hats and other “Professionally done” items that we
can sell, raffle or give away. Collyer then spoke about our current online fundraising platform (Better World Foundation)
accessed from our website. He noted that we ‘may shop around for a better platform, noting that our current platform
is nice, but they keep a certain percentage of our donations for their operating expenses and we may find a better deal.’
Anything Else/General Discussion: (for the good of the Foundation): Collyer spoke about the need to insist
that we get all of our members to the retreat. All agreed.
Next Meeting: Exec Meeting – April 20th , 2024, 1300 Mountain Time; Board Meeting May 11th , 2024, 1300 Mountain
Meeting Adjourned: 1351(?)