The Roy Williams Foundation Meeting Minutes, Meeting 54
Date of Meeting: Meeting 54 02/17/2024 1300 MST
Roll Call:
Chairman: Tom McConaghy- Absent/Excused
Vice Chairwoman: Hailey Fuller- Present
Treasurer: Robin Olson- Present
Secretary: Bret Collyer- Present
Assistant Secretary/Social Media Manager: Amber Holmes- Absent/working
Board Members/Directors:
Dexter Pitts- Present
Markus Hugle- Present
Samuel Vena- Present
Two Vacancies
Alternate Directors:
Three vacancies
Leisl Hammond, Chaffee County Veteran's Service Officer
Joe Pacheco
Call to Order:
Additions, deletions or changes to the agenda?: No.
Fuller thanked Mr. Pacheco for attending and invited him to tell us a little about himself and his service.
Pacheco stated that he spent 7 years in the Navy and the Navy Reserves. Leisl Hammond thanked the board
for inviting her.
Adoption of Meeting Minutes, Meeting #53: (Action Item): Treasurer Olson asked for a change on
the minutes to reflect the actual combined balance of $15,808.44 in the RWF accounts and attributed the
error to a credit card payment that wasn’t received in time to be calculated. With the changes to the minutes
acknowledged, Director Vena made a motion to accept with Hugle seconding the motion. The motion to adopt
was unanimous. (Collyer made the correction)
Old and continuing Business:
1. 2024 Proposed Budget: To be discussed during the Treasurer’s report
2. Bret’s Steer Donation ($1750?): Collyer spoke about his desire to donate a yearling steer to needy
Veteran’s and First Responder families in exchange for a tax-letter for the current value of the animal
(currently $1750). Collyer asked Hammond if she could help us identify some possibly indigent
veterans who might benefit from the meat, to which she replied in the affirmative. He added that
‘Even if they are not indigent, they might appreciate a gift-bag of meat for the holidays. He continued
that the Steer will remain with his cows, (grass-fed) until it is ready for processing, in approximately 1
year. He will continue to feed and care for the animal and suggested that the RWF budget some funds
towards processing which (as of this year, fees) will be about $1600-$2k, which could be a fundraiser
item (goal). He added that “This can be considered a ‘pilot project’ and if successful, maybe we could
allocate two steers next year and even challenge other Ranchers to donate animals.” Collyer suggested
that formal Board action might be appropriate in this matter. All members liked the idea and Hugle
made a motion to provide Collyer with a tax-letter for $1750.00, Vena seconded and all members
voted in the affirmative.
3. Armed Forces Day Event (May 18th , 2024):
Who? … Venue (Bowling Alley):
a. Schedule of events
b. Invitations (Robin)
c. Advertising
d. Printed Materials / Promotion (Tom and Robin)
Fuller spoke about our desire to put together a fundraiser event, possibly on May 18, which is Armed
Forces Day. The discussion centered on whether it should include a raffle, give away, silent auction or
other approaches. Fuller asked about using a professional Auctioneer, but it was noted that
Professional Auctioneers usually charged for their services, either by a commission, percentage, or flat
fee. Although an auctioneer may be willing to help Pro-Bono. The discussion continued with Hugle
noting that we would need to solicit donated items from local businesses who have supported us in the
past. Collyer noted that Vena had a nice saddle he was willing to donate (Vena concurred). Fuller
asked: “Who would like to ask for donations and spread the word?” Hugle responded that “All of us
should participate” noting that It takes some effort, but that ‘we need to represent the RWF
everywhere we go. We all ask for donations, pass out the fliers and spread the word’. Vena added that
the fliers are very important and we need to pass them out everywhere we can, which can also be a
good opening to ask for donations of auction items. Fuller asked who is working on the fliers? Olson
replied that her and Tom (McConaghy) have been creating fliers with a goal of having them completed
by March 18, which will give us 2 months to pass them out and prepare for the event. Fuller asked if
there were any other thoughts or ideas? Hugle then asked Hammond if “There are any other events
that we could stitch together with the RWF Fundraiser?” She replied in the affirmative and said let’s
see what we can do moving forward. The discussion will be continued and Fuller ended the discussion
by stating that she will call the bowling alley to start the conversation with them.
4. Comedy Show Fundraiser – Establish a date, Budget funds?, Christian at Elevation (Hailey), Veterans
Day (with other group)? Fuller asked Collyer if he spoke with Mr. Benci about a comedy show. Collyer
reported that he had and that Benci was very willing to help the RWF plan a comedy show fundraiser
event as he did in 2022. Benci informed Collyer that he is planning a big show (for another cause) for
New Years Eve 2024 and has developed a “Template” for such events. We would need to secure a local
venue and probably allocate some funds to securing the “Talent” and for transportation, lodging,
(payment) fees etc. Benci added that there was a consistent and substantial talent pool in the Denver
area. Which is where the Nationally recognized comedians came from for our last show. Fuller then
asked about the possibility of partnering with Elevation Brewery who now has a downtown venue and
another local Veterans group like Veterans Expeditions. Fuller asked Hammond if she knows the
‘Veteran’s Expedition’ non-profit Chairman (Mr. Watson). Hammond replied that she does and they did
a presentation at the Elks banquet (Veteran’s Day) last year with a nice slideshow. Fuller then asked
the Directors for their thoughts on the Comedy Show Fundraiser idea. All members were in full support
of pursuing the event. Hugle suggested that we speak to Benci more and try to arrange a lunch with
him, RWF members and Leisl at a time most convenient for all. Fuller then asked Olson how much
money in the budget is allocated to “Fundraising Events?” To which Olson replied $3k. This will be an
ongoing discussion.
5. Conflict of Interest Forms (signed and returned): Fuller instructed all members to complete their
COI’s immediately if not sooner and return them to Collyer by whatever means necessary.
New Business:
Treasurer Report (Action Item) – Robin Olson: Olson began her report by stating that ‘We keep
planning fundraisers, but we need to find effective ways to spend our money that helps achieve results for
Veterans.’ The discussion continued about our scholarship program and the possibility that we may be able to
award a scholarship (possibly two) at our May 18 (AFD) event. As well as the Beef processing effort. Fuller
asked Hammond for ideas. Hammond replied that we may consider donating money to the family whose
home just burned down (a few days prior to the mtg). She stated that the home and the families belongings
was a total loss. She added that the father is an active-duty soldier who is currently deployed leaving the
family in a very bad situation. Hugle added that the RWF has spoke about ideas like this before and all
members agreed we should place it on the agenda for the next meeting. Hammond asked who the main point
of contact should be for the RWF and was informed that Fuller and McConaghy would be best POC for this
Fuller then asked if we should plan on offering recurring scholarships to successful applicants who have
received money from us before? Hugle replied, ‘yes, if they are doing good academically, still interested in the
necessary career track and willing to apply again.’ Vena added that he recently, briefly spoke to Rowynn’s
mom who informed him she was still interested, but it was not an “Official conversation.” Olson stated that
McConaghy was going to follow up with Rowynn. Collyer also spoke about the Poncha Springs Community
Garden and that Hugle and he helped build 10 raised beds for the Veteran’s and the “Elderly and Infirmed”,
adding that next, the PSCG was going to work on a handicapped parking space, which the RWF may be able to
help with. The RWF can also list the project as an accomplishment that can/should be publicized by the RWF.
(Possibly sponsor some beds for Veterans or FR’s).
Olson continued with the Treasurer Report:
We received a donation from Ray and Laverne Black for $1000.00 (Collyer noted that this will be a recurring
annual donation and may increase in amount). Our checking account has $2,690.12 and our savings has
$14,118.32 for a total current balance of $16,808.44.
Budgeted items for 2024 include $3k to scholarships, $4k to outside organizations and $10k to support
Veteran transportation, counseling, beef processing, website updates, advertising efforts etc. (expenses).
$26,900 is anticipated to be spent leaving us with a budget shortfall and an anticipated $20k of budgeted
income. (See budget worksheet). A brief discussion was had about the need to bring on additional qualified
Fuller then asked for a motion to accept the 2024 budget as presented. Hugle made a motion to accept with
Vena seconding. The motion passed with unanimous consent (Pitts still on the Zoom, though at work). 2024
BUDGET ADOPTED. All members thanked Olson for her hard work!
Oson then stated that she received a (small amount) Pay-Pal notification and asked if we had a PP account and
if so, why? Collyer replied that it was probably left over from a fundraiser that (former) Director Steimle
participated in a few years ago. Collyer added that he never received any such notifications before and didn’t
know how to access the account. Olson made clear that PP has a bad reputation, demands access to our
accounts and is “Not to be trusted!” She asked for direction on how to respond and all members agreed that
she should “Follow up with them to see if they would send us a check and if not, we will “Write it off”
(Rhetorically speaking).
Anything Else/General Discussion: (for the good of the Foundation): Collyer reported that he received a call
from Holmes prior to the meeting, since she would be unable to attend, to share her thoughts about our social
media accounts. Holmes relayed (to Collyer) that she would like to have an in-person meeting agenda item
dedicated to social media and its development. She would also like to receive more content for our accounts.
Pictures, stories etc. Fuller agreed and asked about our previous “Director Spotlight” effort that showcased
our members stories, and what they do now etc. She asked how the process worked for the DS content.
Collyer asked Pitts to elaborate since he was ‘spotlighted’ last time. Pitts replied that ‘it was a matter of
sending her pictures, telling her some stories and answering her questions, noting that it more like an informal
interview.’ Fuller suggested that we establish a schedule to assign one Director per month to be interviewed
by Holmes for a Director’s Spotlight effort. All members agreed and Fuller said she would create a list and
assign months for each Director to be ‘spotlighted’ on Social Media.
Next Meeting: March 9th , 2024, 1300 Mountain Time
Meeting Adjourned: 1407