The Roy Williams Foundation Meeting Minutes, Meeting 49
Date of Meeting: Meeting 49 9/10/2023 1300 MST
Roll Call:
Chairman: TBD
Vice Chairman: TBD
Secretary/Treasurer: Bret Collyer- Present
Assistant Secretary/Social Media Manager: Amber Holmes- Present at first, then lost service
Board Members/Directors:
Dexter Pitts- Present
Markus Hugle- Present
Samuel Vena- Present
Tom McConaghy- Present
Hailey Fuller- Absent
Jacob Bachman- Present
Two Vacancies
Alternate Director:
Three Vacancies
​Call to Order:
Additions, deletions or changes to the agenda?: Director Hugle mentioned that he recently spoke
with former Chairman Bangura about the application that was being prepared for submittal to the Ross Perot
Foundation. It was determined that the application was most likely not submitted. Hugle then reached out to
the RWF who advised him to go ahead and update the application and re-submit it. Hugle added that Bangura
mentioned that his health was slowly improving which was received as good news by all members.
Adoption of Meeting Minutes, Meeting #48: There were no suggested changes. Director Vena made a
motion to approve, it was seconded by Hugle. The vote was unanimous.
New Business:
1) Request for Funding/Donation for the 2024 Frogman Swim in Tampa Fl to benefit the Navy Seal
Foundation. Former Seal Mr. Jacob Bachman to address Board Flier included in packet: Mr. Bachman
began by thanking the members for allowing him to address the board. He spoke about his former colleague
Matthew Kantor who was KIA 11/1/2012 in Iraq and part of Mr. Bachman’s unit. Bachman will be swimming in
Kantor’s honor. Bachman stated that all monies support the Navy Seal Foundations mission to help make sure
that Veterans have whatever they may need to thrive adding that .93 cents for every dollar goes directly to
these efforts. All of the money that Bachman raises will go to Kantor’s family for everyday needs and retreats.
The Navy Seal Foundation is ranked as a 99% charity for their low overhead and ability to pass the money
directly on to those who need it. The combined goal for the organization for this event is $1 million with each
Seal setting a goal of earning $2k for their swim. Bachman stated that his personal goal for this swim is $10k and
he has so far raised $1,600. All members expressed their gratitude for Jacob and his Colleagues and various
questions were asked. Director Pitts invited Jacob to sit for an interview on his “I am Pitts” podcast to explain
the swimming event, NSF, Mr. Kantor and his service experience. Jacob replied that he would look forward to
the occasion and they will stay in touch about it. Director McConaughy asked if Bachman had a Facebook page
with more information about the event. Bachman replied that ‘if you scan the QR code on the flier, it would
bring up more information about the event and the NSF’. Pitts then asked when the swim event was and
Bachman replied it would take place on 14 January, 2024. After the conversations subsided and members
agreed that it was a worthwhile cause, Collyer asked if anyone had a dollar amount in mind. Director Hugle
suggested an amount of $1000.00, which was seconded by McConaughy. The vote was unanimous and Bachman
expressed his gratitude. All members thanked him for his service and his efforts to continue supporting
2) Consider next steps and approaches to helping clients: All members agreed to skip this item since
‘we just spent a thousand dollars’ and we would continue the discussion later.
3) Scholarship program discussion for 2023/2024 school year: Members agreed to skip this item as well.
Old and continuing Business:
1) Consider New Chair/Vice Chair: Director Vena asked Hugle if he would have time to serve in this
capacity. Hugle responded that he would struggle with it since he was so busy. Then Hugle asked
McConaughy if he would have time to serve as our chairman, noting McConaughy’s experience.
McConaughy responded that he would be willing to serve. Hugle then nominated McConaughy, who
accepted the nomination. The vote was unanimous and McConaughy was confirmed as our new
Chairman. All members thanked him for stepping up.
Website Updates: No discussion
Financial Update:
Checking Account Balance $2,717.64
Savings Account Balance: + $14,114.80
Total Monetary Assets $16,832.44
Anything Else/General Discussion: Hero’s Banquet table reservation confirmed for Sat. July 13th 2024.
Will deliver check for $350.00 to Sandy next week. Meal choices: Basil Parmesan Chicken w/rice & green Bean
Almaden. Roast Beef w/Mashed potatoes/gravy and GBA. Stuffed Acorn Squash. All meals come w/bread and
salad. Desert, hot Peach Cobbler w/vanilla ice cream.
Pitts, McConaughy, Hugle, Vena and Collyer decided on the beef. The other members are TBD.
Chairman McConaughy stated that he would like to gather all local members for lunch soon to get to know
everyone better and start plotting a course forward. All members agreed to meet as soon as possible.
Lunch was had on Sunday October 1, attendees were: McConaughy, Hugle, Vena and Collyer.
Next Meeting: 10/8/2023
Meeting Adjourned: 1345