The Roy Williams Foundation Meeting Minutes, Meeting 48
Date of Meeting: Meeting 48 8/13/2023 1300 MST
Roll Call:
Chairman: TBD
Vice Chairman: TBD
Board Members/Directors:
Dexter Pitts- Joined during new business item 2 while working
Markus Hugle- Present
Samuel Vena- Present
Tom McConaghy- Present
Hailey Fuller- Present
Bret Collyer- Present
Assistant Secretary/Social Media Manager:
Amber Holmes- Absent
Alternate Director:
Three Vacancies
Call to Order:
Additions, deletions or changes to the agenda?: Director Vena asked Collyer about the Zoom payment Renewal. Collyer replied that he had made the yearly renewal payment of $158.37 and was “not too worried about it” and indicated that he was not seeking to be reimbursed for it as he could deduct it from his taxes and was happy to continue supporting the effort.
Adoption of Meeting Minutes, Meeting #46 & 47: All members indicated that they had read the minutes and had no changes or concerns. Director Hugle made a motion to adopt the minutes as written. There were multiple seconds and the vote was unanimous to adopt the minutes.
Old and continuing Business:
Website Update: Secretary Collyer went through the list of changes he had put together for Cody to follow when updating the website. Director Hugle suggested that a picture of our scholarship award event be added. Director Fuller asked about the layout of the website when it is opened on a cell phone (i-phone) Collyer replied that this is something he has discussed with Cody before and it seems to vary in distortion from phone to phone. Collyer added that this is something Cody is working on and the same issue does not seem to be a problem on personal computers. Members then discussed advertising our next scholarships more prominently on our website once we determine the specifics of the program, such as numbers and amounts of scholarships. It was agreed that the website evolution will continue to be a topic of discussion.
New Business:
Consider new Chair, Vice Chair: Process is: Nominations/accepting, motions, formal votes.
Discussion was had among members as to who would be able to commit the time needed to be effective in the various roles. Director Vena ‘Thought about nominating Director Hugle for Chairman’. Hugle replied that his schedule ‘might not allow him to do it justice’. Hugle then asked Director McConaghy if he would be willing to be Chairman. McConaghy replied that he ‘would consider it’. Director Vena suggested that the Chair and Vice-Chair should be local; all members agreed. Secretary Collyer further explained the duties of the Officers as largely providing direction to him and Assistant Secretary to prepare agendas and respond to inquiries. They would work with him as part of the “Executive Committee” and stated that “It would be easier working with a local Chairperson.” Members agreed to continue the discussion at our next meeting.
2. Consider accepting resignation of Alhaji Bangura and/or Ashley Ottmer: Director Hugle suggested that it would be appropriate to accept Bangura’s resignation and look at letting Ottmer go when we bring on another Director. Hugle then made a motion to retire Bangura. Motion was seconded by Director Vena and the vote was unanimous. All agreed that Bangura will be missed as he helped advance our mission and would certainly be welcomed back into the organization as a guest or as a member anytime he liked.
3. Consider next steps and approaches to helping clients:
i.e., Service Dogs, recreation, counseling, pursuing grants etc:
Members agreed to continue this discussion as time allows.
4. Structural Development: Collyer has developed a draft of a “Decision Matrix” that can be refined and a Job Description for his position. This draft document also includes the formal Chain of Command.
Formal Committee: Executive Committee, Secretary/Chair/Vice Chair. So, we only involve the entire board for formal decisions at meetings when necessary.
5. In person meeting in November: In Poncha Springs or Hutchison Homestead, date/time TBD:
Director Fuller stated that she is planning to visit the area in early November and could be flexible. Collyer added that if members agreed, then it would be appropriate for the organization to help pay for Directors Pitts and Fuller to travel to the area for an in-person meeting. Director McConaghy stated that he will be hunting November 4-11. This item will continue to be a topic for discussion.
Financial Update:
Checking Account Balance $2,487.64
Savings Account Balance: + $14,113.60
Total Monetary Assets $16,601.24
Note: Balance shown is “Available Balance” Scholarship check for $1,000.00 has not yet been cashed.
Rocky Mountain Service Dog donation check for $500.00 has not yet been cashed.
Note: Bret personally Paid for Zoom Renewal, 1 year $158.37
Anything Else/General Discussion:
Did everyone get a chance to read and understand the Bylaws? Any thoughts or questions? No Questions
Donation request from a former Navy Seal that Collyer Works with for the 2024 Tampa Bay 3.5 mile Frogman Swim. To benefit the Navy Seal Foundation. Jacob Bachman would like to address the board at our next meeting. Flier included with agenda packet.
Director Hugle spoke about an organization known as L.U.K.Y. and their efforts to help struggling Veterans. Director Pitts spoke about former Navy Seal Mike Day’s suicide and the impact it had on the entire Veteran Community.
Next Meeting: 9/10/2023
Meeting Adjourned: 1348