The Roy Williams Foundation Meeting Minutes, Meeting 47
Date of Meeting: Meeting 47 7/9/2023 1300 MST
Roll Call:
Chairman: Alhaji Bangura- Resignation Pending
Vice Chairman: David Newton- Resignation Accepted
Managing Director: Ashley Ottmer- Resignation Pending
Board Members/Directors:
Zach Krause- Resignation Accepted
Dexter Pitts- Absent/Working
Travis Garvin- Resignation Accepted
Markus Hugle- Present
Samuel Vena- Present
Bret Collyer- Present
Assistant Secretary:
Social Media Manager:
Amber Holmes- Absent
Alternate Director:
Three Vacancies
Tom McConaghy, Hailey Fuller
Note: Resignations remain “Pending” until formally accepted by Directors during regular meeting w/quorum.
As new Director appointed, one previous Director may be relieved.
Call to Order:
Additions, deletions or changes to the agenda?: None
Adoption of Meeting Minutes, Meeting #45&46: Pending
Old and continuing Business: None
New Business:
1) Consider two new appointments to the Board of Directors: After McConaghy introduced himself,
Hugle made a motion to invite him to join the Board, seconded by Vena; McConathy accepted
invitation. After Fuller introduced herself, Hugle made a motion to invite Fuller to Join the board,
seconded by Vena; Fuller accepted the invitation. Both votes were unanimous and both expressed
gratitude for being part of the effort
A) Tom McConaghy: Mr. McConaghy (Tom) began by indicating that he lives on a ranch in Chaffee County.
He continued that he is a former Police Seargent and was a SWAT Officer/Operator and Sniper in
Oklahoma for 10 years and is a PTSD survivor. Prior to that, he was a Staff Seargent for the USARNG as
an infantry veteran, (45 th inf). He indicated that he “Barely missed activation” for deployment, but that
he helped train many soldiers that were deployed to war zones. He spoke about his experiences
training therapy Llamas that he occasionally loans out to support veterans with PTSD to experience
nature. Working closely with Fort Carson and USC students to deal with issues. He went on to speak
about his experiences with “Safe Call Now” answering Crisis Intervention Calls which was the first
organization in the country to establish ‘confidential call services’. He discussed his experiences with
PTSD issues and many years of counseling he endured to manage it. He shared a story about his first
interaction with Roy Williams who pulled him over a few years ago (Just prior to Roy’s demise) and he
suspected that Roy also suffered from PTSD from that interaction. Tom is currently the Director for the
local “Area Agency on Aging” and he currently is or has served on many like-minded civic boards and
organizations. Director Hugle thanked Tom for his interest in the organization and stated “You are
more than qualified and we would be blessed to have you help us out.” He then spoke about what we
have learned so far about ‘Counseling without consequences’ and noted that “Tom was the person
answering the phone, so we can learn a lot from him.” Collyer agreed and added that “Our mission,
what we are trying to accomplish is very similar to your life experiences.” Director Vena added that
“We are hoping to be of service to people in this community and there is a big need for organizations
like ours to create a support structure that can give them whatever help they need.” (McConaghy
appointed as indicated above)
B) Hailey Fuller: Miss Fuller addressed the board by stating that “I am in Federal Law Enforcement with
the forest service and began working with them right out of high school.” She informed the board that
she lived on Collyer’s ranch with Roy when he took his life and that his passing had a major impact on
her life. Since his passing, her focus has shifted to suicide prevention and she has been focusing her
career training to crisis intervention, peer support and casualty management. She currently ‘heads up’
a team of her colleagues as a peer support group for the Forest Service. She went on to discuss a law
passed in 2000 known as the “Cops” act (Confidentiality Opportunities for Peer Support Counseling)
which codifies that ‘All peer support remains confidential’. Hugle asked if the act applies to
professional (private) counselors when dealing with first responders? Fuller replied that ‘as long as
they both discuss the need and agree on the need for professional confidentiality’. Hugle asked if she
could share the text of the act with the RWF? She replied in the affirmative and stated that she would
be happy to. (Fuller appointed as indicated above). Discussion continued for a few minutes.
2) Officially Accept resignations of Board members x3 if Tom and Hailey come on board: Which ones?
Hugle made a motion to accept the resignations of Krause, Newton and Garvin, seconded by Vena. The
vote was unanimous. Hugle clarified that Bangura and Ottmer should officially remain until
replacements were appointed.
3) Nominations for Chair/Vice Chair or ‘let it ride until next meeting’?
It was decided to table the process until all members had a chance to think about the process and
responsibilities these positions require.
Financial Update:
Checking Account Balance $3,217.64 + $500.00 donations $300.00 from AOS VFW and $200.00 P. Crevier
Savings Account Balance: + $14,111.24
Total Monetary Assets $17,328.88
Note: Scholarship check for $1,000.00 has not yet been cashed
Anything Else/General Discussion:
Reminder. Rocky Mountain Service Dog Banquet, 10 tickets have been purchased. Event is Saturday July 15,
2023 in Canon City, Co. Abby Event Center. Meal Provided. Silent Auction. Budget for donation??
Next Meeting: August 6th 2023
Meeting Adjourned: 1341