The Roy Williams Foundation Meeting Minutes, Meeting 39
Date of Meeting: Meeting 39 7/24/2022 1300 MST
Roll Call:
Chairman: Alhaji Bangura- Absent
Vice Chairman: David Newton- Present
Managing Director: Ashley Ottmer- Present
Board Members/Directors:
Zach Krause- Absent on Vacation
Dexter Pitts- Present/at work
Travis Garvin- Present
Bret Collyer- Present
Assistant Secretary:
Social Media Manager:
Amber Holmes- P/Absent
Alternate Director:
Kit Steimle- Absent, resignation letter received, in good standing.
Markus Hugle- Present
Call to Order:
Additions, deletions or changes to the agenda?: None
Adoption of Meeting Minutes, Meeting #38: 7/10/2022:
Managing Director Ottmer made a motion to accept as presented, seconded by Director Pitts. Motion
Approved Unanimously.
Old and continuing Business:
1) In Person meeting date Friday, November 4th at 4:00pm with recreational activities to be planned for the 5 th
and 6th. Who can/will commit?: Directors Garvin, Ottmer and Newton have committed so far, as well as
Secretaries Collyer and Holmes and Alternate Director Hugle.
2) Reminder Boathouse Cantina Comedy Club Fundraiser for the RWF on October 26th: Brief Discussion
3) Managing Director Ottmer to report on Freedom Service Dogs Fundraising event she attended on July 16th:
Ottmer reported to the board that it was a formal dinner with a silent auction and there was also a fun trivia
game for each table. She really enjoyed the Marine Corps League attendees that she shared the table with,
who also invited her to attend. After the meal, things moved along pretty quickly and she really didn’t get the
chance to network as much as she wanted to, but she learned a lot about the FSD organization. They were
very appreciative of our $500 donation and she noted that it is very expensive to train service dogs. She added
that the group was informed that enough money was raised to begin training 4-5 puppies. She has since
received a voicemail from the organizer thanking us for our donation and wanting to schedule a lunch meeting
with Ottmer. She also sat next to a Psychologist from the VA, but didn’t really have a chance to talk much due
to all of the activity and noise in the room. Collyer asked her if there was a way to track the puppies that we
helped sponsor. Ottmer replied that she was not sure, but that she would find out. Altogether, she stated that
it was a fun event and she was happy to attend and definitely a worthwhile cause. Members thanked Ottmer
for attending on our behalf.
New Business:
1) Consider resignation letter from Alternate Director Steimle: Secretary Collyer read Steimle’s brief
letter into the record as follows: “I am writing this letter to resign my position from the RWF. Changes
in my life prevent me from fulfilling my position on the board. I appreciate all the hard work and
dedication from all of the members and wish you all the best. Til Valhalla Roy Motherfuckin
Williams!!” All members expressed gratitude to Steimle for helping us get the organization this far and
agreed that he would always be welcomed to any of our events, or back into the organization if he
ever desires to re-join us.
2) Renewed Push for new Alternates: Alternate Director Hugle stated that he is looking for his chance to
speak to a local gentleman named Simeon Chelf to gage his interest. Simeon flew helicopters for the
Army for one tour in Afghanistan and two tours in Iraq. Hugle will try to set up a lunch to discuss it
with him. Collyer stated that he would like to attend as well and we would like to see if Ottmer can
attend as well.
Critical Path/Structural Discussion for the RWF:
1) Fundraising/Events and Grants: Hugle spoke about the Ross Perot Foundation. He went over the
history of the organization and its history of helping Veterans. Hugle said that he would try to get in
touch with them on behalf of the RWF. Newton spoke about his desire to get Command Sargent Major
JW Troxell to join us again this year at our in-person meeting, to see how he could help/advise us from
his perspective as the VFW’s new National Ambassador. He would also like to reach out to the Gary
Sinise Foundation noting that the GSF does amazing things for Veterans and like-minded organizations.
Director Pitts added that he will mention the RWF again on his next podcast in order to raise
awareness about us and our mission.
2) Structural Evolution. Bangura: No discussion
3) Advertising/Outreach. Is our Social Media Effective (Holmes):
Holmes lost connectivity prior to this point. No discussion.
4) First Responder Friday’s and Managing Director Update: MD Ottmer updated the Board about the First
Responder Friday program stating that she is still seeing 4 clients and that she may have another client
coming on soon. She added that she spends 1-2 hours with each client and that she likes to be sure
that she is spending as much time with each client as they need to ensure that they are receiving the
level of care that they need. She stated that she is receiving great feedback from the clients, who are
very appreciative of her help. She got major kudos from one client in particular. All members
expressed appreciation for her efforts.
5) Task assingments/Action Items and Follow Through: Members to report on their projects/research etc.
Hugle stated that he would reach out to Simeon Chelf about lunch and also look into the Ross Perot
Foundation. Newton stated that he would look into the Gary Sinise Foundation. Pitts will include us
and our mission in his next podcast episode.
Financial Update:
Checking Account Balance $2,498.18
Savings Account Balance: + 4,588.00
Monetary Assets: $7,086.18 (+.08 interest)
Outstanding Checks: Check # 1102, Donation to Freedom Service Dogs, $500.00
Check # 1103, Ship N Things, Color Copies, FRF and Bowling Fundraiser, $ 84.20
Anything Else/General Discussion:
Next Meeting: Busy Times, next meeting TBD
Meeting Adjourned: 1351