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The Roy Williams Foundation Meeting Minutes, Meeting 36

Date of Meeting: Meeting 36 6/5/2022 1300 MST

Roll Call:


Chairman: Alhaji Bangura- Present

Vice-Chairman: Dave Newton- Present


​Board Members/Directors:

Zach Krause- Present

Kit Steimle- Absent

Dexter Pitts- Present/Intermittent/Working 

Travis Garvin- Present

Ashley Ottmer- Present



Bret Collyer- Present


Assistant Secretary:

Amber Collyer Holmes- Absent/Working


Call to order.

Additions, Deletions or Changes to the Agenda?: None


Adoption of Meeting Minutes, Meeting #35 5/1/2022: Krause made a motion to approve,
seconded by Bangura. Adopted unanimously.


Old Business:

Two Alternate Director Positions to be filled: Secretary Collyer stated that he had a candidate
by the name of Markus Hugle, a local that was in the Navy during the gulf war. Mr. Hugle
attended the bowling fundraiser and later expressed an interest in serving as an Alternate
Director. Collyer will follow up with Mr. Hugle and ask him to prepare a letter of interest.


Bowling/silent auction fundraiser 5/28/2022 recap $2,206.00 earned (Director Ottmer): Ottmer
re-capped the event for the Directors and stated ‘It was good and well attended even though it
was a busy weekend with a lot of other things going on, including graduation. It will be bigger
next year and we will schedule it on a weekend without so many other things going on. We
made over $2k and had a lot of fun.’


New Business/continuing business:

Creation of new position “Managing Director” Note: The subject of meeting 35 executive

session was the creation of this position. Discussion? Position to be offered to Director Ottmer:
Chairman Bangura began the discussion by explaining that ‘We have created the beginning of
our new structure. Since Ashley’s leadership has been awesome, we have created this new
position for her. With this new position, we can make and execute decisions in real time. We
are, in essence empowering Ashley to make these decisions which will help keep the
momentum going and helps us to grow and learn in a strategic way’. Director Ottmer added
that she wants to make sure that everybody will help her out, she doesn’t want to feel like she
is out there on her own. Discussion progressed with Bangura adding that focusing on Colorado,
and locally is the most powerful and strategic way to grow and assured Ottmer that we will be
there to help. Director Krause added that “I think it needs to happen”. Director Pitts agreed
that this was a great idea and that he is “All for it”. Secretary Collyer spoke in favor of it stating
that “I will continue to help in any and every way necessary to keep moving forward.
Communication will be key, just let me know when you need help”. A motion to appoint
Director Ottmer to the new position of “Managing Director” was called for. Director Krause
made the motion with Vice Chairman Newton seconding. The vote was unanimous and
members thanked Ottmer for accepting the position.


Critical path/Structural Discussion for the RWF:


1) Fundraising update: Secretary Collyer stated that he was thinking about how other
members can look into similar fundraising opportunities where they live. Whatever
money they earn could be earmarked for beneficial use in their localities once programs
are established. Ottmer began a discussion about the need to determine as a board how
many sessions we can afford to help any particular client. We need to begin thinking
about how we will measure effectiveness. She added that these fundraisers are nice,
but that we would not be able to thrive with fundraisers alone. Without Grant Funding,
we will be largely ineffective. She challenged all members to work to identify grants that
we can apply for.

2) Structure evolution (Bangura): Ongoing discussion


3) Advertising/outreach, Is our social media effective (Holmes): Holmes Absent/no


4) Training/First Responder Fridays update (Ottmer): No discussion

5) Task Assignments: All members were encouraged to spend at least one hour per month
researching and look into grants that we could apply for as well as fundraising
opportunities. Chairman Bangura added that he will begin working on our latest
identified grant opportunity and that Monday-Wednesdays will work best for him.
Bangura continued that ‘we need to be reasonable and recognize what we need from
each other.’ Director Garvin suggested that we need basic information to ‘plug in’ when
we are filling out grant applications. Secretary Collyer replied that there is a lot of
information to be found in our founding documents and bylaws, which we recently
updated and mailed to all members. Further, Collyer again reminded everybody that he

is here to support them with whatever they need to help them with their ideas and


Financial Update:
Checking Account Balance:    $2,113.22
Savings Account Balance     + $4,587.92
Monetary Assets:                      $6.701.14


Paid: Ship-N-Things shipping charges $125.00 to renew mailbox for one year

Anything Else/general discussion:

Comedy Club Fundraiser Last Wednesday of each month works best. October 26th?
Managing Director Ottmer asked “When will we have our in-person meeting happen this year?”
A general discussion followed with all members weighing in. Director Garvin stated that “The
comedy show is already a fixed date, so the in-person meeting might work best, the weekend
before or after, either the 23rd or the 29th .” Director Krause added that the first weekend of
every month is the most likely timeframe that may work for him and his family. It was
determined that any date chosen most likely won’t work for all members and the ZOOM
meeting option is still available for those who can’t make it to the in-person meeting. This
discussion will be ongoing.


*Next Meeting
Chairman Bangura stated that he would like for us to get back to a meeting schedule of every
two weeks, before it was pointed out that two weeks from today is Father’s Day which likely
won’t work for everyone. The next meeting date is TBD.


*Meeting Adjourned:

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