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The Roy Williams Foundation Meeting Minutes, Meeting 32

Date of Meeting: Meeting 32 2/20/2022 1300 MST

Roll Call:


Chairman: Alhaji Bangura- Absent/family

Vice-Chairman: Dave Newton- Present


​Board Members/Directors:

Zach Krause- Present

Kit Steimle- Present

Matthew Anderson- Present

Dexter Pitts- Absent (Book Signing)

Travis Garvin- Absent (Traveling) 



Bret Collyer- Present


Assistant Secretary: Vacant


Alternates: 1 Vacancy

Ashley Ottmer: Present




Call to Order.


Additions, Deletions or Changes to the Agenda?: Secretary Collyer asked if everybody has
received the bylaws that he mailed out? All replied that they had and indicated that they are
reading through them. Collyer then indicated that his little Sister, Amber has been working with
Director Pitts on the social media aspect of our outreach. She indicated an interest to help out
in any other capacity needed. Collyer replied to her that there was an opening for an Assistant
Secretary. She replied that she would like to fill the position if the Directors would like to
consider her for it. The consensus was positive, Collyer agreed to see if she would join us during
our next meeting to be considered for the position.


Adoption of Meeting Minutes, Meeting #31 1/19/2021: Krause made a motion to approve
the minutes, the motion was seconded by Newton and the vote was unanimous.


Old Business:

Conflict of Interest Statements Still Due:

Collyer reminded members who have not done so to send in their COI statements. Statements
have been received from Pitts, Ottmer, Garvin, Krause and Steimle. Newton and Bangura are
still outstanding.


New Business/continuing business:

Director Anderson to Address Board of Directors to tender resignation: Director Anderson
addressed the board stating that ‘He hates to leave, loves the organization and believes in the
mission. His other commitments were becoming overwhelming and he has felt bad for missing
so many meetings. He added that the time spent serving the organization has been good for
him and that we shouldn’t hesitate to ask him for help in the future if something is needed. He
finished by stating that everyone is welcome at his place anytime they drive through his corner
of Texas’. All members thanked him for his service and his help over the last year and a half and
his contributions were meaningful and that he will be missed. Alternate Director Ottmer told
him that “She was happy to be meeting him for the first time, even if it was to say goodbye”.


Consider Alternate Director Ottmer for full Director:
Secretary Collyer began this discussion by stating that prior to the beginning of this meeting
that he had spoken to Chairman Bangura who agreed to let Newton carry his Proxy for this
matter and that VC Newton carried Director Garvin’s Proxy and that Director Steimle carried
Director Pitts’ proxy. Collyer then asked if there was any discussion to be had prior to
considering Alternate Ottmer for a Full-Director position. Vice Chairman Newton spoke for the
group stating that she is well qualified, interested and we are lucky to have her. He then made a
motion to promote Alternate Ottmer to a full Director position. Director Steimle seconded the
motion, with multiple seconds. The vote was unanimous with the proxy votes included. All
welcomed Director Ottmer to her new position.


Vacancies to be filled to include two alternate Directors and one Assistant Secretary:
Newton and Krause discussed inviting “Hall” to join if she would have the time and interest to
join us. Newton said that he would speak to her about it. Krause suggested that we try to grow
locally, in Colorado if possible to fulfill what we had been discussing about the need to cement
the Colorado operation before we consider growing nationally. Collyer stated that made sence
since we were first incorporated here. Collyer reiterated that he would have his sister provide
us with a resume’ and invite her as a guest for consideration during our next meeting. A
discussion was had about the need to ‘get it right’ rather than “Growing too fast”.


Desired changes to website: SEND PICTURES appropriate for website (please).
Director Ottmer spoke about the need for the Suicide Prevention Hotline number to be more
prominently displayed. She then described that soon a new ability to text (966) will elicit help
for those experiencing mental health crisis.


Logo Change Discussion: Director Krause reiterated that we need to have a Professional Graphic
designer look at it for us.


Critical path/Structural Discussion for the RWF:
Members present agreed to largely skip this portion of the agenda with Chairman Bangura, and
Directors Pitts and Garvin absent.

    1) Fundraising update (Krause):
    2) Structure evolution (Bangura):
    3) Advertising/outreach, Is our social media effective (Pitts):
    4) Training opportunities update (Ottmer):

        Note: Ottmer has been reimbursed for signing up for QPR training as noted below.
        Director Ottmer informed members that she is 25% through her QPR training. Once she
        is finished and receives her certification, she looks forward to training us and eventually
        passing the training on to others while she works on higher certifications to benefit the
        organization. All members expressed gratitude for her efforts and taking the lead on


Financial Update: Secretary Collyer updated the finances as follows:
Checking Account Balance: .       $ 440.05
Savings Account Balance        + $4,537.62
Monetary Assets:                          $4,977.67


Deposits: $300.00 from local VFW post 3820 for quarterly support.
Debits: check #1094 in the amount of $509.95 to reimburse Director Ottmer for QPR Training.
Credit Card charge: $53.23 for business cards from Vista Print (Thanks Kit).
Collyer added that the shipping charges for the bylaws were $68.37 and will be paid via check.


*Anything Else/general discussion: None


*Next Meeting March 6th

*Meeting Adjourned: 1333



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