The Roy Williams Foundation Meeting Minutes, Meeting 25
Date of Meeting 8/22/2021 2:00pm MST
Type of Meeting: Live, Internet, Zoom
Roll Call:
Chairman: Zach Crevier- Present
Vice Chairman: Dave Newton- Present
Board Members:
Zach Krause- Absent
Alhaji Bangura- Absent
Kit Steimle- Present
Dr. Michelle Flores- Absent
Matthew Anderson- Absent
Bret Collyer- Present
Assistant Secretary:
Hailey Steimle- Absent
Dexter Pitts- Absent
Travis Garvin- Present
Call to Order.
Additions, Deletions or Changes to the Agenda? None
Adoption of Meeting Minutes, Meeting #23 6/16/2021:
Adoption of Meeting Minutes, Meeting #24 7/25/2021: Chairman Crevier made a motion to
approve the minutes as written, Alternate Garvin seconded. The minutes were adopted
Old Business:
*Expected Attendance for In-person meeting?
Secretary Collyer, Chairman Crevier, Vice Chairman Newton, Directors Flores, Steimle and
possibly Bangura all hoped to attend in-person.
*Lodging Requirements? Our Guest Speaker, CSM Troxell has confirmed his attendance and
has asked us to make him a reservation for a decent hotel room. Secretary Collyer has agreed
to secure a room at a hotel selected by Vice Chairman Newton. All others were favorable to the
options noted below.
*Full-Service Camper/Camping at the Angel K Ranch.
*Spare-Bedroom at Collyer’s Ranch.
*Hotel Rooms
New Business/continuing business
*Friday, September 10th . In-Person Meeting. Poncha Springs Town Hall Agenda.
General Business and hopefully in-person Peer Support training with other Agencies Present.
Chairman Crevier asked Collyer where the meeting would be with Vice Chair Newton asking
when it would be held? Collyer replied that it would be held in the same place as last year
(Poncha Springs Town Hall) at 5-pm on September 10 th . Director Steimle asked Collyer if he had
heard from Michelle about training. Collyer replied “No, she seems to be very busy with her
new job and hasn’t attended a regular RWF meeting in a while”. Steimle replied that he had not
heard from her either. Crevier then asked whether peer support training may not be part of our
meeting. Collyer and Steimle said they would try again to get in touch with Director Flores
about it.
*Saturday September 11th 20th Anniversary Veteran’s and First Responder Appreciation Event
with Speakers and Barbecue Lunch. (See Draft Flier) Chairman Crevier asked Collyer to clarify
who would be speaking and in what order. Collyer stated that now that Jim Storey and CSM
Troxell has confirmed, he would work out a schedule of events type of document for review
and begin to promote the event. But that the event would likely include a VFW flag ceremony
with a rifle salute, a vocalist rendition of the National Anthem, taps etc. At the Veterans
Memorial, followed by the same ceremony at Town Hall and then the speakers in a certain
order followed by a meal. Collyer noted that he will touch base with another caterer for the
event and get back to the members about it.
*Directors After Party, Bonfire and Whiskey at Ranch (Weather Permitting) Collyer noted that
he would see about placing the camper on the ridgeline (better view) this year instead of the
pasture since the weather should be nicer in September.
*Anything Else/general discussion:
*Need for RWF Credit Card. Chairman Crevier asked what situation arose where a credit card
would be helpful. Secretary Collyer replied that Director Steimle paid for business cards himself
for Director Flores, Krause and general cards (no name) for members and called Collyer to
secure reimbursement. Collyer stated that Steimle was out of town at the time and had no way
to reimburse him from a distance (Steimle has a Venmo account for his business dealings). All
agreed that it would be worthwhile to secure a credit card for the organization. Secretary
Collyer stated that he would work on it as time allows, but in the short-term his schedule would
be busy with promotional obligations for the 9/11 event.
Alternate Director Garvin stated that he has been attending meetings in Washington State with
Veterans organizations. He is working on making contacts and networking with these
organizations and trying to figure out how to effectively ‘mesh’ with the RWF and its mission.
Director Steimle asked Garvin if he has looked at the database on our website to see what
other organizations might be operating in his area. Garvin replied that he has and he has
discovered many larger and smaller organizations approaching these problems in varying ways.
He will keep up with the efforts and keep us posted as to his progress. All thanked him for his
report and his efforts.
Vice Chairman Newton asked about how we will handle the Zoom portion of our meeting
noting how terrible it was during last year’s meeting. Secretary Collyer noted that the Town of
Poncha Springs has purchased an “Owl system” that we could ‘plug and play’ for our meeting.
The “Owl device” turns its head (camera and microphone) towards whoever is speaking so
content is not missed. Collyer stated that he would meet with Town Staff to learn more about
the device.
Financial Update:
Checking Balance $4,153.27
Ledger balance SAME
Savings Account Balance: $7,399.09
Total Monetary Assets: $11,552.36
Collyer also noted that he had just received donations totaling another $453.27 (including the
$300.00 from the VFW) which would be depositing soon, leaving the projected monetary assets
of $11,852.36
The Ray Lines VFW post 64 have decided to support us with $100.00 per month to be paid
Quarterly. They sent $100 for the month of June.
*Next Meeting:
TBD for necessity prior to our September 10th meeting.
*Meeting Adjourned