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The Roy Williams Foundation Meeting Minutes, Meeting 24


Date of meeting  7/25/2021 2:00pm MST
Type of meeting: Live, Internet, Zoom


Roll Call:

Chairman: Zach Crevier- Absent

Vice Chairman: Dave Newton- Present


Board Members:

Zach Krause- Present

Alhaji Bangura- Present

Kit Steimle- Present Via Phone

Dr. Michelle Flores- Present

Matthew Anderson- Absent



Bret Collyer- Present

Assistant Secretary:

Hailey Steimle- Absent 


Dexter Pitts- Present

Travis Garvin- Present




Call to Order.

Additions, Deletions or Changes to the Agenda? None. Since Chairman Crevier was Absent.
Vice Chairman Newton led the meeting.


7/11/21 worksession follow-up: Since we failed to reach a quorum at our 7/11 meeting, we
held an informal worksession. Vice Chairman Newton suggested Director Steimle create generic
business cards with nobody’s name on it, just RWF information. Director Krause also indicated
that he needs more business cards. Steimle agreed to order Krause more cards, would order
generic cards and that he would be delivering Alternate Director Pitts cards to him and Dr.
Flores. A discussion was held regarding our in-person meeting scheduled for Friday September
10 th with the clear indication that members would like to see better technology available for the
Zoom portion of the meeting. Secretary Collyer noted that the Town of Poncha Springs had
purchased an “Owl Device” that would sit in the middle of the room and automatically rotate
towards whomever was speaking and transmit directly to the Zoom portion of the meeting. A
general discussion was had regarding the Saturday September 11th barbeque in the park. With
all noting that this would be the 20th anniversary of 9/11/2001 and should be well planned and
executed. This will be an ongoing discussion. Discussion Ensued: Vice Chairman Newton began
the discussion by asking Collyer what he envisioned for the event, since he lived there and the
rest do no not. Secretary Collyer started the conversation by asking members if they would like
the speaker to be scheduled for our meeting on September 10, or the event on September 11 th .
All agreed that the meeting should be for business and the Speaker would be more appropriate
on the 11 th , for the public to enjoy as well. Collyer then informed members about his
communications with possible speakers for the event and spoke of Dave Roever. Director
Bangura stated that he would like to hear Roever speak, depending on cost and availability. He
also spoke of another colleague who may want to speak for our event (SGM Troxell), whom he
would check with to see if he is interested. Members who know Troxell, liked the idea and
encouraged Bangura to reach out. Collyer also mentioned a local speaker who would be willing

to help named Jim Storey, a Bronze Star Recipient during the Vietnam War. The discussion then
turned to whether or not to have the Speakers speak prior to, after, or during Lunch. The idea
of having them speak prior to lunch gained traction, keeping in mind that ‘people get sleepy
after they eat, especially if it is hot outside’. Secretary Collyer mentioned that he would take
measures to ensure that everyone understands that this in not a political event. We don’t want
extremists from any side to arrive and see the event devolve into a political shouting match as
this is a somber 20-year milestone anniversary after the events of 9/11/2001. All agreed.
Director Flores mentioned that she heard a colleague suggest that there was a possible
misunderstanding from our meeting last year. Evidently, a member’s statements were
interpreted as anti-police by some of the officers present, although she admitted, that she did
not personally hear the comments. Secretary Collyer agreed that he had missed them as well.
Vice Chairman Newton stated that he ’Didn’t choose his words very carefully’ while sharing a
personal story with meeting attendees about a tragic event he witnessed while serving on a
volunteer fire department. All agreed that his words were most likely taken out of context by
some and he obviously didn’t mean to offend anybody. Director Bangura spoke about the need
to grow and get better and remind everybody that ‘we are here for them all’. Secretary Collyer
added that ‘We are all learning and mistakes will be made along the way’. Alternate Director
Pitts added that ‘Once a police officer gets the sense that somebody is anti-police, you have lost
them. Even though it was taken out of context, somebody should speak to the Sheriff to be sure
there are no hard feelings’. All agreed this would be a good idea and Collyer said he would be
speaking to all local First Responder Organizations as we get closer to the event. Director Flores
asked if she should try to set up a meeting with the (CCFPD) fire chief who has a station right
next to the Park where the event would be held to see how they could help and participate? All
agreed that would be a good discussion to have with CCFPD. Further, all agreed that planning
this event would be an ongoing discussion.
Update: Since our meeting, communication was had
with members regarding Dave Roever’s attendance for our event. Members agreed that his
speaking fee 0f $4500.00 for an hour engagement was out of reach. The consensus was that
that amount of money would be better spent on training for our mission. Director Bangura also
secured SGM Troxell for the event if the RWF paid for his lodging and rental car. Collyer has also
secured Jim Storey for a half-hour engagement on the 11th .


Adoption of Meeting Minutes, Meeting #23 6/16/2021: Tabled until next meeting

Old Business:

*Social Media Creation Update (Pitts, A.S. Steimle): Alt. Director Pitts informed the Board that
the Facebook was up and running as was the Instagram, but that he was missing ‘content’ for
the sites. He asked members to send him pictures from the last event. Secretary Collyer stated
that nobody thought to take any pictures of our group during our last in-person event but that
we would be sure to take plenty next time. All agreed to send him relevant pictures that they

had available. It was noted that there were some pictures available on our website. Members
thanked Pitts and Steimle for working on this aspect for us.


*GoFundMe Effort update (Krause, Garvin): Director Krause informed the Board that the effort
‘is not gaining any traction at all’. People seem to be getting tired of the GoFundMe model for
fundraising that seems to be abused for absurd reasons. Secretary Collyer noted that locally,
there is an effort to place American Flags along the highway frontages between Buena Vista
and Poncha Springs, which is beautiful to look at and a GoFundMe page was established to
support the effort. A lot of people have stated that they have donated to the GoFundMe page,
but the money has not reached the lady who started the effort. Evidently the page has been
corrupted somehow and people are now asked to mail the checks directly. All thanked Krause
and Garvin for the effort, but realize that that particular fundraising model may be falling out-
of-favor in our society. Director Flores suggested the possibility of organizing a fundraising
effort at “The Taphouse” (local pub), noting that the owner is a local Fire-Captain. Alt. Director
Pitts asked about the possibility of talking to a local gun store to see if they could help organize
a fundraising raffle for a rifle. Vice Chairman Newton suggested a raffle for a local hunting
experience. All agreed that fundraising would be an ongoing concern.


*Secretary Collyer to update Board about his presentation to The American Legion.


New Business/continuing business

*Training Option Discussion (Dr. Flores) and “Recovery Power Points” (Secretary Collyer):
Director Flores stated that she has not received the RPP email and asked Collyer to re-send it,
which he agreed to. She will also reach out to “Sarah” to send a proposal for group training
during our September 10 th meeting


*September in person meeting/event planning to include Patriots Day Event: Secretary Collyer
has reserved the Poncha Springs Town Hall for the evening of Friday September 10 th and Town
Hall and the Town Park for all day for Patriots Day Event on September 11 th Barbeque to invite
Veterans, First Responders and community.
Discussed above. Alt. Director Pitts stated that it is
unlikely that he will be able to attend due to staffing shortages at his department.


*Anything Else/general discussion:
All was covered during the meeting. No further discussion was had.


Secretary Collyer led Board members through the financial situation as follows:
Financial Update:                                         Ray Lines VFW Post Donation $100.00
Checking Balance              $4,153.27          Melissa Bartlett Donation $500.00
Ledger balance                        SAME         Collegiate Peaks Bank Donation $3,160.00
Savings Account Balance: $7,399.09
Total Monetary Assets: $.  11,552.36


The Ray Lines VFW post 64 have decided to support us with $100.00 per month to be paid
Quarterly. They sent $100 for the month of June.


*Next Meeting

Tentatively for 8/14/21


*Meeting Adjourned


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