The Roy Williams Foundation Meeting Minutes, Meeting 23
Date of meeting 6/13/2021 2:00pm MST
Type of meeting: Live, Internet, Zoom
Roll Call:
Chairman: Zach Crevier- Present
Vice Chairman: Dave Newton- Absent
Board Members:
Zach Krause- Present
Alhaji Bangura- Present- phone
Kit Steimle- Absent
Dr. Michelle Flores- Absent
Matthew Anderson- Absent
Bret Collyer- Present
Assistant Secretary:
Hailey Steimle- Absent
Dexter Pitts- Present
Travis Garvin- Present
Call to Order.
Additions, Deletions or Changes to the Agenda? None
Adoption of Meeting Minutes, Meeting #22 5/16/2021:
Crevier made the motion, seconded by Krause. Unanimously adopted.
Old Business:
*The following verbiage has been added to the website’s resource spreadsheet.
“These organizations have not been vetted by the RWF and we assume no liability as to their
professionalism or credentials and are offered here for Resource informational purposes only”.
All agreed the verbiage was appropriate at this point.
*Need to establish social media presence: Alternate Pitts and Assistant Secretary Steimle have
agreed to work together to establish and moderate/administrate a social media presence.
Alternate Pitts informed the board that he had been communicating with Assistant Secretary
Steimle about creating a social media presence, but they haven’t made much progress as of yet.
He has created a login and password for Instagram, but was waiting for more advisement from
Steimle since she was (younger) more knowledgeable. He said he could begin posting pictures,
but he didn’t have any to post yet. Secretary Collyer stated that he would send him the pictures
that he has and encouraged other members to do the same.
New Business/continuing business
*Continue discussion about Peer support training options and commit to one.
Dr. Flores was not in attendance so Chairman Crevier suggested that we table the item.
*September in person meeting/event planning Vice Chairman Newton suggested that we plan a
lunch/barbecue in the park where and invite all local first responders and Veterans
Organizations. This will be outside of our official meeting. : Vice Chairman Newton was not in
attendance. But all agreed that this was a suggestion worth pursuing.
*Collyer to speak at the American Legion on June 15: Secretary Collyer reported that he has
been invited to speak for the Local American Legion Post, (Ray Lines post 64) on June 15 th . He
also updated the Board about his speaking engagement with the local VFW Post 3820 on May
20, stating that it went well. He added that he was very well received and they asked good
questions and offered a lot of advice. Collyer mentioned that he would inform the AL about our
Patriots Day event.
*Fundraising Letter: Collyer asked the Board if they had reviewed the Fundraising letter that he
prepared just prior to the meeting. All agreed it was a good letter and can be adjusted as things
*Anything Else/general discussion: Director Krause mentioned that he was working on setting
up a GoFundMe page to help us with our current fundraising drive, but this was the first time
he has ever done that and wasn’t quite sure how it works. Alternate Garvin said he would be
happy to work on this project with Krause. Alternate Pitts asked if there was an allotted amount
of space to make a pitch? Krause replied that he wasn’t sure, but he wouldn’t want it to be too
long or wordy. Secretary Collyer also offered to help with the wording if necessary. Alternate
Garvin spoke about our Patriots Day event planning and suggested that we create an e-mail list
for local businesses that would like to help us with Fundraising. These businesses would then be
represented as supporting Veterans. All agreed that was a good suggestion and would be worth
considering as we get closer to the event and that fundraising will remain an ongoing
discussion. Crevier notified the Board that he would soon be entering a monthlong education
program and may not be able to attend the next few meetings.
Financial Update:
Checking Balance $393.27 Deposits: Amazon Smile $14.96 and Foundation for good $225.00
Ledger balance SAME
Savings Account Balance: $7,398.73
Total Monetary Assets: $7,792.18
*Next Meeting: June 27th
*Meeting Adjourned