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The Roy Williams Foundation Meeting Minutes, Meeting 22 

Date of Meeting 5/16/2021 2:00pm MST

Type of meeting: Live, Internet, Zoom


Roll Call:

Chairman: Zach Crevier- Present

Vice Chairman: Dave Newton- Present


Board Members:

Zach Krause- Present

Alhaji Bangura- Present

Kit Steimle- Present

Dr. Michelle Flores- Late/Present

Matthew Anderson- Absent



Bret Collyer- Present

Assistant Secretary:

Hailey Steimle- Absent 


Dexter Pitts- Present

Travis Garvin- Present




Call to Order.

Additions, Deletions or Changes to the Agenda? None

Adoption of Meeting Minutes, Meeting #21 4/04/2021:
Crevier made a motion, seconded by Krause, vote was unanimous.


Old Business:
*Travis Garvin, our new Alternate Member to introduce himself and share some ideas about
how to help move the organization further.
All welcomed Travis Garvin as our new alternate
board member. He introduced himself and spoke about his desire to help move the
organization forward. He served with Roy Williams in the 3rd platoon of Bravo Troop 6-1 Cavalry
Squadron and was deployed with him and several members of the RWF in the Afghanistan
theater. Roy’s passing had a “Profound effect” on Travis and he excited to be part of our
efforts. He is currently working towards a degree in Public Policy and Administration to
complement his many other qualifications.


*Continue discussion about Peer support training options and commit to one. Director Flores
joined the meeting in progress and we “Circled back” to this topic. Secretary Collyer filled Flores
in on portions of the meeting that she had missed. This discussion began with Flores telling the
Board that there are 3-5 local EMT First Responders that would like to be part of the Peer
Support Training that we arrange for our members. All agreed that it would be appropriate to
include them, whether or not they would have further association with the RWF, would be
determined later, but we should include as many people as the instructor is comfortable
teaching. Michelle will reach out to “Sarah” to get more information on costs associated with
her service and share them with the board to establish a fundraising goal for a drive to help pay
for the training. All agreed that Zoom (internet) training would be preferable to in-person since

we are scattered all over the US.

*Need to establish social media presence: A general discussion was had about how to get some
presence on social media platforms. Director Bangura noted that he was not sure how it all
works, but he does know that different platforms could be used for different purposes. For
example, Twitter is limited to 140 characters so not much useful information can be conveyed
with that limitation. But Facebook can be used to convey more information. Alternate Pitts
added that Facebook is fading in popularity among the younger generations and that Twitter
can be “Hostile” (to veteran and pro-police causes). Tik-Tok is pretty popular, but he doesn’t
have a good understanding of it yet. Secretary Collyer noted that this discussion has been going
on for awhile and that he has been talking to (emailing) Assistant Secretary Haley Steimle, who
is much younger, therefore more technologically savvy and she would be willing to help get
things set up. Secretary Collyer asked Pitts if he was still willing to help moderate the platforms.
Pitts said that he was, Collyer stated that he would talk to Haley about it to see where to begin.


New Business
*Fundraising options, bank program. Secretary Collyer informed the Board that he was
contacted by our bank (Collegiate Peaks Bank) to fill out a W-9 form as they are about to
distribute their quarterly allotment of funds for non-profit organizations that clients choose to
have a donation made to for opening accounts. He was not sure what the amount might be, but
assumes it will be meaningful to us for our mission. He also apologized to the Board for not yet
having created our new fundraising letter due to a busy lifestyle but would have a draft letter
before our next meeting. A general discussion followed about the best ways to approach
fundraising. Director Krause asked about a GoFundMe drive, with Chairman Crevier noting that
some of our original funds were obtained with GoFundMe proceeds from an account set up by
Hailey (Roy’s ex-girlfriend) and there have been a few successful drives since then. Director
Bangura added that ‘people will donate an amount they can afford so strategy is important,
sometimes asking for smaller donations is a good strategy’. Adding that people are skeptical,
because there are a lot of scams out there. But since we are all volunteers and nobody is
currently getting paid to help us (with the exception of Mrs. Cloud, a contractor) we can
capitalize on our current structure by noting that all monies raised go directly towards our
mission. Secretary Collyer suggested that we come up with a specific project with a monetary
goal for a fundraising drive. For instance; $3500 goal for peer support training for the group.
Director Flores said she would get more information from Sarah (Peer Support Training
Instructor) about actual costs associated with training. Director Krause will then work with
Chairman Crevier and the group, using social media to promote our fundraising goals. All
agreed that this would be a reasonable approach and will therefore proceed.


*Collyer to speak at VFW on May 20. Secretary Collyer announced that he has been invited to
speak at the local VFW this coming Thursday. He added that they seem really interested in our
organization and have been following our progress. He added that they may want to make a
financial contribution to help us achieve our goals. Collyer asked Director Steimle if he would
like to join him, Steimle replied that he would be out of town that particular day. Collyer then

asked Director Flores if she would be interested in attending, she indicated she would like to go
and will check her schedule to see if she would be available and get back to Collyer about it.


*Secretary Collyer will update the board about the Veteran Non-Profit Database prepared by
Carey Cloud:
Secretary Collyer began by thanking Director Steimle for referring Mrs. Cloud to
the organization to compile the information needed to create the database. Director Steimle
replied that she would have liked to finish it for us, but didn’t have the time to do so. Collyer
informed Steimle and the Board that he had to reach out to Mrs. Cloud because the database
would not open for him. She replied that she now had time to finish the project and really
wanted to as she believed in the mission. Within a few days, she had finished the project and
came out to the ranch to see the baby horses and Collyer ‘put her to work driving the feed
truck’ as he fed the cows. Which she really enjoyed and Collyer noted that she is a very nice
young lady. She delivered the completed project via a flash drive, which Collyer subsequently
installed on his computer and handed off to his Son. His Son then created a button on our
website and installed the program. Collyer encouraged members to go to the website and try it
out, (which some did during the meeting). They agreed it works great and was just what we
were hoping for. The discussion then turned to potential liabilities for the RWF with Director
Bangura stating that ‘we need to be careful who we are referring people to as they all might not
be qualified’. Director Flores agreed stating that if somebody has a bad experience with
somebody that we referred them to, it could reflect poorly on the RWF and that we should find
a way to vet these organizations over time. Collyer suggested that we could write a disclaimer
to attach to the website noting something like:
“These organizations have not been vetted by
the RWF and we assume no liability as to their professionalism or credentials and are offered
here for Resource informational purposes only”
. All agreed that would be a good idea and the
discussions would continue.


Anything Else? 

*Chairman Crevier informed the board that the September meeting schedule
might not work out for him after all due to his active Army status and his pending transfer to
Alaska as well as his educational commitments. A discussion was had and Director Bangura
suggested that he knows Crevier’s CO and speaks to him on a regular basis and may be able to
help out. The general consensus of the Board was that we would stick to the scheduled meeting
of either Friday September 10th or 11th and hope that all can attend.


Financial Update: Taxes have been done for tax year 2020
Checking Balance              $653.31
Ledger balance                  $153.31 after $500.00 to Carey Cloud
Savings Account Balance: $7,398.73
Total Monetary Assets:      $7,552.04


*Next Meeting May 30th 2021

*Meeting Adjourned 2:57pm

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