The Roy Williams Foundation Meeting Minutes, Meeting 21
Date of Meeting 4/04/2021 2:00pm MST
Type of meeting: Live, Internet, Zoom
Roll Call:
Chairman: Zach Crevier- Present
Vice Chairman: Dave Newton- Absent
Board Members:
Zach Krause- Present
Alhaji Bangura- Present
Kit Steimle- Present (w/ concussion)
Dr. Michelle Flores- Present
Matthew Anderson- Absent
Bret Collyer- Present
Assistant Secretary:
Hailey Steimle- Absent (Injured)
Dexter Pitts- Present
Matthew White- Absent
Travis Garvin- Absent
Mr. Means- Absent
Call to Order.
Additions, Deletions or Changes to the Agenda? None
Adoption of Meeting Minutes, Meeting #20 held on 3/14/2021:
Crevier made a motion, Steimle Seconded, Unanimous
Old Business:
*Termination of the “Donate Now” Button: Secretary Collyer informed the Board that he had to
write a formal letter and make a few phone calls, but the effort was successful and they are no
longer taking monthly fees out of our accounts.
*Still waiting on a few members to complete COI forms for 2021: Dave Newton, Matthew
White and Hailey Steimle have yet to complete and provide their COI form.
*Matthew White to stay on as Alternate?: All members agreed to consider Matthew White
resigned due to his inactivity with the RWF for prolonged periods. And it was recognized that he
lives in a remote location and is frequently out of range and very busy. All agreed that we are
grateful for his contributions and that he is always welcome as a guest to any meeting or event
sponsored by the RWF.
New Business
*Consider appointment of Travis Garvin as an Alternate member to our Board of Directors:
Chairman Crevier asked if everyone had reviewed Garvin’s resume’, bio and letter of interest.
All acknowledged that they had. Chairman Crevier made a motion to appoint Travis Garvin, the
motion was seconded by Director Krause. The motion was passed unanimously. Garvin was not
in attendance at the meeting and will therefore be introduced at the next meeting.C
*Review our Mission and Vision statements and discuss changes to better reflect our
Evolution/Direction since a lot has changed in our society in a very short amount of time since
we were founded: A brief discussion was had about our mission and vision statements and all
agreed that it still, reflects our mission and direction very well. With Director Bangura said he
“Likes them as written” noting that ‘’A lot of thought was put into them when they were first
written’’. There will be no changes made at this time.
Our Vision Statement Currently reads: “Whereas we find it totally Unacceptable to lose more
American Service Veterans and First Responders to Suicide than combat, we strive to fill the
gaps in the current VA system. We are operated by Veterans and First Responders, for Veterans
and First Responders and aspire to instill hope by renewing life’s purpose and inspiring hope
that personal redemption can be attained by Veterans supporting Veterans through their
darkest hours. We will fulfill our creed to leave no one behind”.
Our Vision Statement Currently Reads: “What we envision for the Roy Williams Foundation is an
ever-growing network of dedicated donors and volunteers. Veterans and Civilians working
together to provide outreach and support to our Veteran, Law Enforcement and First
Responder Communities. We understand that different people have different personalities and
that some people might not be able to relate to the invisible and lasting wounds that are
inflicted on the people who experience combat and other violent acts. Therefore, we aspire to
bring as many combat veterans, Law Enforcement Professionals and other First Responders into
our organization as possible with civilian support to help and encourage people with PTSD to
believe in a better tomorrow. Through outdoor activities and companionship, our network
strives to connect quietly suffering Veterans with other Veterans who have learned to manage
their PTSD and are willing to help others. All members are passionate about this outreach and
are dedicated to educating themselves and others about Crisis Intervention methods to stem
the tide of Veteran Suicide. If they find themselves unable to help an individual, they will
endeavor to find someone else in the network who can better relate to the individual to offer
support. We envision working with and complimenting other Veterans Outreach organizations
to create as big of a network as possible. Our funding will go toward formal crisis intervention
training for our members as well as expense reimbursements (gas, food, lodging), outreach
efforts (i.e. publicity and advertising) and eventually things like hunting and fishing licenses. Our
funding will also be used, in special cases, to pay for the best ongoing professional psychological
counseling for the most troubled Veterans, Law Enforcement and First Responder Professionals
who need more hope than the RWF can provide.
*Mr. Means with a Non-Profit organization based in Texas called “Reel Thanks” that takes
Veterans on fishing trips will join us to discuss what him and his organization has learned over
the years that they have been in Operation. Please think of some quality and important
questions to ask of him. Vice Chairman Newton was our contact person for Mr. Means, but
Newton was not present at the meeting, so we had no way to contact Mr. Means and will try
again for the next meeting.
Financial Update: Chairman Crevier reviewed the finances as follows:
Checking Balance $608.31
Savings Account Balance: $7,398.54
Total Monetary Assets: $8006.85
Anything else?: Director Flores spoke about a few options she had put together for peer
support training. One candidate, ‘Tanya’ would require $5k plus travel expenses from Texas and
would require 3 days of ‘in-person’ training as well as a local clinician. This option would require
quite a bit of planning to get everyone together in one location. The other candidate Dr. Sarah
& Nick Metts with the “Fallen Colorado Heroes Project” out of the Denver Area can do in-
person training or Virtual training and could act as a Mental Health Clinician. The training
program is known as “Code 4 Counseling”. Secretary Collyer asked about the cost for her
services, Flores replied that Sarah would need more information (who, what, where) before
calculating a final price and asked what format the Board would prefer, in-person or remote.
The consensus was that remote would be preferable due to the fact that we are scattered
around the Country. This will be an ongoing topic of discussion.
*Director Steimle noted that he will finish the business cards for Flores and Pitts soon.
*Collyer asked Director Steimle about the resource spreadsheet for aid organizations that the
contractor put together for us, stating that he couldn’t get it to open on his computer. Steimle
responded that it was a basic XL spreadsheet and he had no issues, Collyer said that he would
try again and asked him to have Miss Cloud create an invoice for remuneration since the Board
had previously agreed to pay her. Steimle agreed and said he would follow up.
*Chairman Crevier stated that he had placed a link to our website on Instagram, which began a
larger discussion about the need for a bigger social media presence. Director Flores stressed the
importance of social media in our society and that we could be missing out on finding donors
and clients. Secretary Collyer mentioned that Alternate Pitts had previously expressed interest
in helping. Pitts said that he would be happy to help maintain a presence, but isn’t sure how to
set it up. The discussion continued for a little while and will continue.
Next Meeting: April 25
Meeting Adjourned: 2:57 pm.