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The Roy Williams Foundation Meeting Minutes, Meeting 18


Date of Meeting 1/24/2021 2:00pm MST

Type of meeting: Live, Internet, Zoom


Roll Call:

Chairman: Zach Crevier- Present

Vice Chairman: Dave Newton- Absent


​Board Members:

Zach Krause- Present

Alhaji Bangura- Absent

Kit Steimle- Absent

Matthew Anderson- Present

Dr. Michelle Flores- Present



Matthew White- Absent



Bret Collyer- Present

Assistant Secretary:

Hailey Steimle- Present


Call to Order. 1410

Additions, Deletions or Changes to the Agenda?
This meeting is intended to be a catch-up new year ‘housekeeping’ meeting. Chairman Crevier
noted that this meeting was necessary to go over yearly housekeeping measures, such as
renewing Conflict of Interest (COI) forms and reviewing basic items. Assistant Secretary Steimle
asked Secretary Collyer if we needed to submit any kind of renewal forms to the IRS? Collyer
said that he did not believe so, but was not exactly sure. However, we will be required to submit
a simple tax statement. He added that he will also need to update our bylaws to account for the
two new Director Positions. Steimle said that she would look into the need for any other
actions necessary every year to maintain our non-profit status. Chairman Crevier asked
members if anybody had heard from Alternate White; nobody has for awhile. Crevier asked
what members think we should do about it? Secretary Collyer noted that White attended our
in-person meeting allowing us a quorum to proceed with business and reminded members that
they had decided to change the bylaws to remove truant members after a certain amount of
time and would research the matter for our next meeting.
Bylaw amendment 1(b) adopted on
“If a Board Member or an Alternate Board Member misses four consecutive
meetings with no communication, valid reason or explanation for such absence, the Board-
Member or Alternate Board-Member will be considered “Resigned” from his or her duties. This
member will then be replaced by the 1 st alternate, in the case of a “Resigned” Board-Member.
With the second Alternate being promoted to first alternate and the search for a replacement
alternate will begin. All of these matters will be handled at the discretion of the Chairman or
Vice-Chair and by consent of the Board via majority vote”.
Crevier stated that he will try to call
Alternate White to see if he is still interested in helping us.


Adoption of Meeting Minutes, Meeting #17 held on 1/10/2021
Director Krause made motion, seconded by Director Steimle. Motion passed unanimously.


Old Business:
*Make sure all members have access to Microsoft Teams for training purposes:
Chairman Crevier spoke about the benefits of the “Microsoft Teams” platform and spoke with
members about how to get connected. He said that he would re-send invites to all members to
be sure everyone is ready to receive items posted to ‘Teams’.


*Collyer waiting to hear back from Sol-Vista: Secretary Collyer stated that he has sent an e-mail
to Mandy Kaisner from Sol-Vista but has not yet received a reply and will try to call her next
week to follow up on CIT training materials.


*Director Flores to speak about “Peer support approach” for RWF operations. Staying clear
about our roles as client advocates specializing in referrals while our training progresses.

Director Flores led a discussion about the “Peer Support” (PS) aspect of our mission. Noting
that PS is almost a pre-requisite to any Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) and should be our
primary focus at this time. She stated that PS is more pre-emptive than reactive and the intent
will be/is to stay in touch with clients. The more experience we get in the practice of PS, the
more able we will be to recognize those in distress before bigger problems arise. We should
focus on partnering with and learning from existing PS groups in our respective areas (zip
codes) by getting to know people in the agencies and attending BBQ’s etc. Director Krause
spoke about the importance of networking with local agencies and his experiences in this
effort. He also spoke about available video blogs that we could access. A discussion about the
importance of Vetting the agencies (we would refer clients to) ensued with Director Flores
reminding members that the Confidentiality of the clients must be protected at all costs for
liability reasons. The only real caveat to this is the legal requirement that us and all similar
groups must follow is that All threats of harm to oneself or others must be reported to
Flores added that once we all get set up on “Teams” she could begin posting ‘bite-
size’ pieces of training materials for members to review either as a group, or individually. She
also spoke about many books that would be beneficial to the group for study. Secretary Collyer
suggested that if Dr. Flores were to pick out a few ‘beginner books’ for all to read, he thought it
would be ‘wholly appropriate’ for the foundation to pay for copies for all members, if the Board
were to agree. Several titles were discussed, with Dr. Flores holding up copies she has read or is
reading. One of the books mentioned was “On Killing” by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman which speaks
about the psychology of the human animal and the natural aversion to killing even soldiers
experience. This has to be ‘trained out of’ soldiers and first responders, as some even
unintentionally miss take-down shots of an enemy (suspect) that can then cost the lives of the
soldier, fellow soldiers or colleagues. Chairman Crevier stated that he had read that book in-
particular and would recommend it for all.


*Database/Spreadsheet progress. Director Steimle updated the Board as to the progress of the
contractor that was preparing the spreadsheet for members to follow for the referral aspect of
our mission. Stating that it was a large project, but that Mary should have it finished on, or

around the end of the month. Secretary Collyer asked if the $500.00 earmarked would be
fair/adequate for her efforts, noting that, if not, the Board might consider increasing the
amount. To which Steimle replied, he did not believe the amount to be a problem as the
project was also being used as a class project and she was happy to help.


*Alternate Candidates: Dexter Pitts sent Bio. Can we find another Veteran and/or First
responder candidate for consideration of both at next meeting?
Chairman Crevier and Director
Krause spoke about a gentleman they have worked with (Travis Garmin) as a good candidate to
consider in conjunction with Dexter Pitts at our next meeting and they would ask him to send a
Bio and letter of interest for the Board to consider.


New Business
*All members must review and sign yearly Conflict of Interest statements, scan and e-mail back
to Secretary Collyer.
 Collyer noted that the COI information was attached to the agenda e-mail
and he could send it again to whomever did not receive it.


*Dr. Flores Business cards. Director Steimle said that he would prepare and order business
cards for Dr. Flores.


*Secretary Collyer to update bylaws prior to next meeting.
It was at this time (1455) Secretary Collyer briefly left the meeting. When he returned, he
informed the group that ‘My Wife just got kicked by her horse, but she thinks that she is ok’.
However, after the meeting, his Wife had to be transported via Ambulance to Colorado Springs
Memorial Hospital where she underwent emergency surgery for a lacerated kidney/internal
bleeding. She spent seven days in the hospital recovering and was very grateful for the support
and prayers of all members during this stressful time.


Financial Update:
Checking Balance: $1,024.02
Savings Balance: $4,143.12
Total monetary assets: $5,167.14
Secretary Collyer just paid $270.00 via C.C. for Website renewal (Wix) As soon as receipt
received would seek reimbursement, Crevier to sign check.
Chairman Crevier asked Collyer how
that would work with Collyer responding that he would mail Crevier a book of checks that
Crevier could then fill out, sign and return to Collyer.


Anything else?
Secretary Collyer Mentioned to the group how grateful he was to all of the members for their
hard work and dedication to the group and its mission. He also reminder Directors Flores and
Steimle about their plans to meet for lunch at 2:00 on Thursday where he would hand them
copies of the COI to review and sign.


Next Meeting:
February 7 th at 1400 MST


Meeting Adjourned:

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