Roy Williams Foundation Meeting Minutes, Meeting 13
Date of Meeting 9/20/20 @ 2:00 pm MST
Type of meeting: Live, Internet, Zoom
Roll Call:
Chairman: Zach Crevier- Present
Vice Chairman: David Newton- Present
Board Members:
Zach Krause-Present
Alhaji Bangura- Present
Kit Steimle-Present
Matt Anderson-Prospect-Present
Matt White-absent
Bret Collyer-Tardy/Present
Assistant Secretary:
Haley Steimle-Present
Additions, Deletions or Changes to the Agenda? Chairman Crevier decided to move the first new
business item up on the agenda. The consideration of Matthew Anderson for an Alternate position. All
members indicated that they read Mr. Andersons Letter of Interest and Resume’. After some friendly
discussion, Chairman Crevier made a motion to appoint Anderson as the second Alternate, motion was
seconded by Board Member Steimle. The vote was unanimous. All members welcomed Anderson as a
new Alternate member.
Adoption of meeting minutes, meeting 11, held on 8/02/20 and work session minutes from meeting
12 held on 8/23/20:
Chairman Crevier made a motion to adopt minutes from both meeting 11 and the work session, meeting
12 as written. Board Member Steimle Seconded. Minutes were unanimously adopted.
Old Business:
Chairman Crevier and Assistant Secretary Steimle led members through the old business items.
*Traveling Credit Card Port” now available for fundraising events.
*We have checks for expenses.
*November Meeting Discussion.
*Poncha Springs Townhall rented Friday, November 13th (Possible fundraiser w/meal).
*Who can Attend/Housing Needs? It was determined that all members should be able to attend the
meeting with the possible exception of Board Member Bangura, who will be recovering from back
surgery. If he heals well, he may be able to attend. Alternate Member Anderson also has a previously
scheduled commitment and will most likely not be able to attend. This item will continue to be a topic
for discussion as we move forward.
New Business:
*Consider appointment of new Alternate Member Matthew Anderson: Addressed earlier.
*Assistant Secretary Steimle e-mail update and contract discussion: Assistant Secretary Steimle
informed the Board Members that as of this time, she doesn’t feel that there is enough e-mail
traffic/volume to justify entering into a contract for a paid position. She will continue to monitor the e-
mail and let members know when ‘traffic picks up’ and checking/responding to e-mails becomes more
of an issue.
*Secretary Collyer Updated Members about contacts with Psychological Professionals/Advice/Available Grants:
Collyer told members that he has made multiple contacts with
professionals from NAMI (National Association of Mental Illness) and as of yet, their responses indicate
that they weren’t really sure about how to answer the questions. Collyer indicated that he would
continue to follow up with them as well as another contact with an individual at the “Spero Recovery
Center” whom he had a very productive phone call with. The individual mentioned the possibility for the
RWF to qualify for a “SIGNAL” (acronym unknown) grant. Collyer will continue his research. Board
Member Bangura encouraged Collyer and stated that our finances will determine our capabilities.
Assistant Secretary Steimle stated that she would also begin researching grant opportunities.
Discussion items: Vice Chairman Newton discussed his meeting with Mr. Means, Chairman of “Reel
Thanks”, a local non-profit that takes Veterans fishing. He also discussed another non-profit called
“Hunters for Heroes” a group that takes Veterans hunting. A discussion was had by the Board members
regarding possible liability issues our organization may face depending on how our mission develops.
Newton suggested the Foundation consider strengthening the by-laws and establish codes of conduct
for Board Members to follow, especially while representing the RWF at official functions. Crevier
indicated that ‘What we do will dictate our insurance needs.’ Board member Steimle added that if we
‘are mostly a Referral Agency, we shouldn’t need as much insurance’. There was a lot of discussion
around the possible pitfalls of dealing with Clients who ‘just want a free trip’ and may engage in over-
consumption of alcohol and/or possibly illicit drugs. Chairman Crevier suggested that we develop a
waiver/agreement for clients to sign and abide by as well as have some ability to enforce proper
behavior while the clients attend official functions sponsored by the RWF. This discussion will continue.
Fundraising Ideas:
Friday, Nov. 13 Meeting/Dinner, smoked (4-H) Beef Brisket w/catering service. Veterans, First
Responders eat free w/donations @ +/- $25.00(?) per plate raised from community sponsors. Meal,
drinks after brief introductory meeting.
*Alternate Member Anderson discussed the possibility of partnering with a local gunshop to raffle a nice
rifle, for instance, selling raffle tickets for $10.00 each.
*Board member Steimle will look into organizing 4-wheel drive fundraiser rally.
*Boardmember Krause suggested creating tee-shirts to sell at our meeting.
Financial Update:
Assistant Secretary Steimle informed the Board that our savings account balance stands at $3,301.09
and our Checking account Balance stands at $664.72 after purchasing checks.
Secretary Collyer informed new Alternate member Anderson that he would send pertinent documents
for his review to familiarize himself with how we got to this point.
Next Meeting will be Sunday, October 4th @ 2:00pm.
Meeting Adjourned 2:55 PM.